What was the need to launch the smart contract platform?

Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2018
XinFin Launches MyContract

Smart contracts, token issuing, asset tokenization and ICOs are some of the major services that XinFin has been providing their clients for quite some time and subsequently occupies significant working time of the company. This results in developers working on repetitive tasks, where this effort could be better invested. As a result, the company felt a dire need to automate this process. By exercising the technical assets within XinFin it developed an in-house solution that enables their clients to easily and quickly service these needs themselves, with no coding required. XinFin has now made MyContract available for everyone.

XinFin launching MyContract
, the Hybrid Blockchain industry leader, is now launching MyContract: a Web-based platform that allows users to create smart contracts for issuing tokens to crowdsale or asset tokenization without the need for any programming expertise; in a matter of a few clicks. By purchasing the package according to your requirements on an economical price, the client can interact with smart contracts.

Let’s say, for creating a token earlier, one had to write a smart-contract in solidity and get that audited from some third-party. In case of hosting an ICO, companies had to find a suitable hand-of-help to create a wallet for users, get user’s ‘KYC done’, to get live prices of the coin with respect to other cryptocurrencies and many other technicalities were involved. MyContract made these all in a matter of few clicks.

Creating, deploying, interacting with a contract; hosting an ICO, and getting KYC of users done; maintaining the transaction history of users; getting live prices of the token; starting, stopping, or pausing a crowdsale; they all are some of the salient features of the application.

XinFin has been progressing not just in scale but by improving itself to achieve target platforms like ‘MyContract’. The team is consistently working to improve what’s created and to implement what is yet to be created. Kudos!



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