The Road to Our future

Billy Adams
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2021

“Ordinary things done consistently, create extraordinary results” — Keith Cunningham

Today, we get to announce something that has been in the works over the last five months. So many people — community members, partners and independent contractors — have endeavored to outline this roadmap. I cannot be more proud of their efforts.

Before I started in my role as Head of Ecosystem Development back in February, I and a small team of community members were tasked with publishing an XDC Network roadmap. Together, we worked with the XinFin team to bring our existing developments to life and to spotlight many of the exciting projects developing on the network.

Shortly after publishing our existing roadmap last January, I was tasked with outlining a new development roadmap, which focused on the technology solutions we are building on chain.

Those who work in this industry can confirm that the blockchain space is starved for developers. One of the many challenges blockchain projects face, despite an abundance of imagination, utility and application, is a scarcity of qualified developers. So, over the past few months, one of our primary goals was to continue to build out our development team in order to deliver on the solutions spotlighted in this roadmap. Despite many challenges and bumps in the road, we worked diligently to ensure we had the resources to facilitate and support project development for both independent community contributors and the XDC Foundation.

It’s amazing for me to think back to that time when I was asking myself on the daily, how do we find people who specialize in such unique expertise? It was especially challenging to discover everyone we spoke to in crypto was also in pursuit of the same talent. Developers were scarce, and it made our goals seem that much more difficult to achieve.

Today, I look at our project and can say we positioned ourselves to deliver on this roadmap simply by taking consistent action each day and staying focused on our goals.

Not only were we able to put together an amazing team of developers back in early spring, but also put together a program to train ten new developers and add them to our team every quarter.

To stand out as a leading project and to strive to be the best at what you do, you cannot just aspire… you must execute. That’s what we have done. We invest in our ecosystem by choosing to work with the best and applying the proper resources to ensure success.

We made a plan. We are executing our plan. And today, we are proud to publish our new development roadmap to the community. With thousands of hours already put into these developments and many more hours to come, we move towards very specific goals, all outlined here.

In parallel, we will work to optimize all the tools needed for developers to easily build on the XDC Network, emphasizing utility and developer experience. Many of these tools will facilitate further growth of the XDC Network because they will save developers weeks of work when connecting to our chain. For instance, our SDKs allow for the building of NFTs, by utilizing our XRC721 standard. Other technology developments will set a benchmark for how NFTs can evolve to represent more than just digital artwork. We believe layer one, EVM compatible, and smart contract enabled platforms, especially those with privacy (like the XDC Network), are positioned to attract many ecosystem players as more continue to adopt blockchain technology for a variety of use cases. With our NFT marketplace and the tools that are available to developers, people now have a tech solution for all forms of unique ownership (NFTs). The application of these user-friendly technology solutions will be as limitless as the developer’s imagination.

Overall, this roadmap is a reflection of the work to come from the entire team at XinFin, the XDC Foundation, our partners and most importantly our community members. I speak for myself when I say, let’s align as a team and focus on one goal: to be the best Layer one protocol in the blockchain space, and do so for the right reasons, to improve the quality of people’s lives. Here we have the opportunity transform the communication layer of life itself through tokenization, trade finance asset distribution, non-fungible asset creation, decentralised email and decentralised storage. After all, communication is just the exchange of ideas, value and trust. The XDC Network strives to be that layer.

Here’s our Roadmap, but where we’re going, we don’t need roads!

