XinFin launches Price Converter Android App | XDCE Converter

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2 min readNov 17, 2018

XinFin launched “XDCE converter”, an Android mobile application downloadable from Google Play Store.

The App focuses on converting fiat currency values to XDCE and vice-versa. It provides support for more than 20 national currencies including USD, EUR, GBP, INR etc. The App makes use of the Public v2 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) supplied by CoinMarketCap, which provides real-time cryptocurrencies vs. national currencies pairs.

So, what are the benefits of this application?

We have a dedicated application, which could give us real-time conversion value for currency to XDCE and vice-versa. This will be highly beneficial for people who tend to keep track of XDCE prices often, or plan to exchange XDCE tokens.

The App can be downloaded from

Screenshots from the app taken on 26th October, 2018.

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