The Brains Behind Xint: Bringing Cybersecurity Automation to Life

Xint Blog
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6 min read1 day ago

In today’s digital age, AI is transforming industries across the board, from development and marketing to design and, of course, security. In this article, we’re thrilled to introduce the brilliant minds behind Xint, Theori’s newest product that automates unified security posture management using advanced AI technology.

Catch up with bpak, dohyeon, akalee, and wooeong, as they take you on a comprehensive tour of Xint — the product and the team!

Meet the Team!

(From the left) dohyeon, akalee, wooeong, and bpak

bpak: I’m Brian Pak, the CEO of Theori and head of the Xint team. We’re a team that’s currently developing an revolutionary security tool to make the world a safer place, just as we do with all our services and products at Theori.

dohyeon: I’m Dohyeon Kim, Xint’s Solutions Architect.

akalee: I’m Jaewook Lee, Xint’s Front-end Engineering Lead.

wooeong: I’m Wooeong Kang, Xint’s Security Researcher.

So, what is Xint exactly?


wooeong: The ‘X’ in Xint (/zɪnt/; Jint) stands for cross intelligence. It’s a Unified Security Posture Management (USPM) solution that analyzes and protects your cyber assets from various angles. Xint provides comprehensive visibility across cloud and on-premise environments through indentifying internal and external threats. By combining multiple security tool features into one platform, Xint maximizes efficiency while simplifying management.

dohyeon: Xint’s biggest strength is its ability to map out your organization’s entire external attack points and internal assets clearly. From Theori’s experience with over 200 clients, we’ve found that the most critical issues arise where external attack surfaces meet internal systems. Companies often manage these separately, leading to false alarms and missed threats.

Xint visualizes the relationships between all assets, offering a comprehensive view of your entire infrastructure. This helps pinpoint exploitable vulnerabilities and identify which parts of your business are truly at risk.

Asset mapping through Xint

bpak: With today’s complex infrastructures, even identifying and managing assets accurately is a major challenge for startups and large enterprises alike. Every day, hundreds of new vulnerabilities are discovered, making risk management even harder. Adding human error to the equation, it’s practically impossible for traditional methods to keep up. Securing visibility through in-depth automated technology across all areas — cloud security, compliance checks, external threat management, vulnerability discovery and management, and tailored remediation — is no longer a choice but a necessity!

What sets Xint apart from other security solutions?

bpak: Xint’s secret weapon? The Offensive Security AI Engine (OSAIE) — our unique feature built on the insights, experience, and overwhelming technical expertise of Theori’s world-class white hat hackers. It combines traditional machine learning with the latest GenAI technology to detect vulnerabilities and security threats much more effectively and accurately.

wooeong: With OSAIE, Xint automatically identifies known and unknown vulnerabilities from an attacker’s perspective, analyzes root causes, and resolves security issues. It’s like having Theori’s white hat hackers as AI hackers, monitoring critical assets 24/7, In simple terms, it’s like having a team of AI-powered white hat hackers, award-winning expert white hat hackers, on duty 24/7 — monitoring critical assets, continuously discovering vulnerabilities, identifying threats, and providing remediation suggestions.

How was the Xint beta launch at RSAC 2024?

The Xint booth at RSAC 2024

All: The Xint beta launch at RSAC 2024 was a significant milestone, marking the debut of our USPM on a global stage. RSA Conference, the world’s largest cybersecurity event, provided the perfect platform for the debut, attracting participants from startups to established firms. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, especially regarding Xint’s integration of CSPM and EASM features into a single, unified platform. Security professionals, especially those transitioning from on-premise to cloud infrastructures, appreciated Xint’s ability to address fragmented security systems and offer a cohesive, holistic view of both internal and external assets.

Our team demonstrated real-world scenarios where Xint could significantly enhance an organization’s security posture. The visualization tools that map out relationships between different assets and potential attack paths were particularly well-received, showcasing how Xint simplifies risk management in complex environments and reduces the workload on in-house security teams.

The conference was a fantastic opportunity to validate Xint’s market readiness and gather insights for future improvements. The feedback reinforced the strong market need for a unified security solution that offers complete visibility and automated management. We’re confident Xint can make a significant impact in the cybersecurity industry by addressing these needs effectively.

What do you think is the driving force behind the team’s growth?

dohyeon: The expectations from our consulting clients and our belief in addressing the critical issue of “cybersecurity automation” have been major motivators for us. When people heard that Theori was creating a product that automates our accumulated expertise, their interest soared. Meeting these high expectations naturally led to our growth, driving us to develop the most scalable solutions for the current challenges in the cybersecurity industry.

bpak: Above all, our team’s growth is fueled by our excellent colleagues. The Xint team is a group of talented individuals from various fields, including white hat hackers, software engineers, business development professionals, and designers. We all work towards a common goal, respect each other, and maintain a positive atmosphere. This camaraderie helps us overcome challenges while still being able to laugh together. The overall positive mindset makes work enjoyable and drives our success.

What’s the ultimate goal for Xint?

bpak: Our goal for Xint is to achieve “complete visibility.” We’re working to enhance our features to spot issues throughout the software development lifecycle, from code development and deployment to tracking asset exposure to threats. Ultimately, we aim to stay ahead of malicious attackers through continuous research and swift actions.

Since founding Theori, my goal has always been to create a safer world with excellent technology and an excellent team. I want to help more companies and institutions build a robust security posture by automating the insights and expertise of our world-class white hat hackers. Together with everyone at Theori, I want to continue to make the world a safer place and leave a positive, significant mark on global cybersecurity.

Curious to see how Xint can transform your security game? Head over to our website to learn more about the cutting-edge Unified Security Posture Management platform. Schedule a demo, and discover how you can outsmart threats with Xint’s unrivaled visibility and proactive management. Don’t just take our word for it — come see the magic in action!

About Xint

Xint is an advanced Unified Security Posture Management (USPM) platform from Theori, the leading cybersecurity firm specializing in offensive security solutions.Our offensive approach ensures we deliver optimal security solutions by analyzing vulnerabilities from an attacker’s perspective. Serving a diverse client base of all sizes from ambitious startups to Fortune 500 enterprises, we are the leading experts in identifying and addressing industry-agnostic threats.
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Xint pioneers a cross-intelligence Unified Security Posture Management (USPM) platform to provide complete visibility and protection.