
xivia | ゼビア
Published in
1 min readJun 9, 2023

I think about ghosts lately.

Because we seem to think and live on the premise that we are alive.
I think that the premise of being alive is constraint on our thinking.

For example, you can hear stories about illness directly from people who have overcome serious illnesses.

However, from this narrative, isn’t it difficult to think of those who died of the same illness?
Because they cannot be seen and their experiences cannot be heard directly.
If we can recognize their existence and use our imagination, we may be able to hear more deeply the stories of those who have overcome their illnesses.

If existences that we thought were no longer with us are still with us, how will we live with them?

What kind of world would it be if ghosts were all around us?

Some of you may have wondered what they would say if they were still alive.

See, don’t you think we might be living with ghosts?

Photo by Michael Mouritz on Unsplash



xivia | ゼビア

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