VC Backing & More — XiWATT Update — June 12, 2018

Hamza Choudhry
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2018

It’s been a while since we’ve posted an update — we’ve been keeping busy, securing key partnerships, and finalizing the legal review of our platform. Now, we’re finally ready to share the fruits of our labor with you all.

Firstly, we’re thrilled to announce that the legal review was a success. We worked closely with our legal counsel at McCarter & English to ensure we are complying with SEC regulations. We cannot overstate the importance of conducting this review right now, while ICOs are falling under increasing regulatory scrutiny. Feel free to review the updated whitepaper at your leisure and familiarize yourself with the updated XIW token model. As of now, the TGE will be open to participation from international users and accredited US investors only. We will be opening up a round of private pre-sale shortly.

Secondly, we’ve secured a partnership with Baroda Ventures; a traditional VC firm focusing on pre-seed and seed stage investments in the consumer internet, e-commerce, mobile, SaaS, blockchain, and digital media industries.

Baroda Ventures is lead by technology entrepreneur, David Bohnett, who founded Geocities - a media company that was once ranked one of the four most trafficked sites on the web before being acquired by Yahoo!

The firm’s backing of our project and our team is not only humbling, but speaks volumes about their faith in our eventual success.

Thirdly, Stephen Birdsong has come on as an advisor for the project.

Stephen currently works with Baroda Ventures, managing a fund focused on blockchain and decentralized applications. He is active in the blockchain community and working as an advisor to various blockchain startups. Stephen has a decade of experience at Rohde & Schwarz as the Global Product Manager for the flagship product ‘CLIPSTER’, which made it possible to digitally distribute the film Avatar to global cinemas.

Lastly, there are a couple new scrappy entrepreneurs joining our team to help us in the next couple of months leading up to the TGE and beyond. We’ll be announcing the details for team additions as well details regarding our pre-sale in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, connect with us on Telegram or drop us a line at if you have any questions about these updates or the project in general.

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