XMANNA: Embracing the Cross Chain Future: Powered By Solana, Polygon, Ethereum, AVAX & BSC

Mitchell Keller
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2022

XMANNA is a unique platform that aims to generate a new level of excitement in live sporting and gaming events worldwide. It leverages the power of blockchain technology and the recent rise of play-to-earn gaming to give fans opportunities to earn valuable rewards while attending their favorite events. Our app enables clubs and sponsors to create content and ads tailored to the needs and behaviors of their clientele, thus benefiting all parties in this ecosystem.

But to be successful in our venture, it is imperative not to overlook the role cross-chain technology plays in the interoperability and scalability of this project. With several major clubs on board and many more expected to come, we must ensure that XMANNA can function across multiple blockchains. This will ensure our platform is scalable and barrier-free, allowing fans and clubs across the world to adopt it and enjoy the numerous benefits it provides.

What is Cross-Chain Technology?

As blockchain technology integrates itself into more industries and markets around the world, the need for compatibility between networks becomes increasingly important. Cross-chain technology solves this issue and builds a bridge between different blockchains that allows them to share information with one another. This also enables projects to scale more efficiently. To better understand this mechanism, we can use the following example:

Think of all the different blockchains in DeFi (Polygon, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avax, to name a few) as solitary information silos independent of one another. Throughout these silos, copious amounts of data pass every second, however, they cannot communicate this information with the other blockchains. Limiting their potential and not being able to extrapolate their benefits between chains.

This is where cross-chain technology provides a much-needed solution. It breaks down the barrier that prevents these silos from sharing information and allows for the transfer of security features, data, and digital assets from one blockchain to the next.

Why Cross-Chain is Imperative to the Future of DeFi

So we now know what cross-chain technology does, and have a sense of its importance. But how does this translate into real-world use-cases? Simply put, this technology is the centerpiece of what looks to be the future of commercial industries and Fintech on a global scale. Why? Blockchain technology is not only something we see implemented today in startup companies created by college-dropout millennials. International corporations have also come to realize the value and security this technology provides, and are wasting no time in utilizing it to rebuild their infrastructure.

Yet while each blockchain on its own presents users with a secure and effective way to connect to the world of DeFi, uniting them through the use of cross-chain technology amplifies these benefits immensely. If two banks were to use different blockchains to store data, there would be no way for them to share the information without some type of bridge. Bitcoin and Ethereum users also face a similar challenge, as the lack of interoperability between the two restricts bitcoin users from spending their crypto income within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Cross-chain technology increases the efficiency of anyone that wants to utilize multiple networks and does so without a third-party intermediary. It creates the perfect online environment — one that is far-reaching, secure, and totally decentralized.

With these examples alone, cross-chain technology has proved its utility and importance. The XMANNA team recognizes the solutions it provides — and we’re leaving nothing to chance when building our app.

Establishing a Rewarding Cross-Chain Environment from Day 1

While we are building on Polygon, users will be able to bridge tokens across several large blockchains such as Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana, and others. We also aim to give clubs and sponsors a customized experience when creating a platform for their fans. Essentially, the team controls the content and games they want to feature, utilizing XMANNA as the platform in which it is shared. The interoperability between blockchains provides a similar solution to the problem of the two banks listed above. XMANNA eliminates any complications of information sharing should fans need to access the app on different blockchains.

Through our team token launchpad, XMANNA creates a decentralized environment that connects fans, clubs, game developers, and advertisers, and benefits all parties by leveraging multiple blockchains. Our platform enables teams to create their own utility tokens available through the XMANNA app that provide holders with rewards and staking opportunities. We realize that this system is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution, which is why we have designed it in a way that makes it compatible with teams and sponsors of all sizes. Further, the app also provides simple scalability solutions in the event the needs of a club or sponsor increase.

Mass Adoption is a Win for Us All

XMANNA aims to bring the power of blockchain technology into the spotlight while simultaneously providing users with a play-to-earn platform that creates the ultimate fan experience. Clubs will have the ability to import games they know will resonate with their fans and scale on a global level. XMANNA will transcend across multiple blockchains, sports leagues, teams, and fans, and deliver a GameFi ecosystem that is free of limitations.


XMANNA takes an innovative approach to improve the overall fan experience at live stadium events. This scalable state-of-the-art app enables stadiums, clubs, and advertisers to connect with their fanbase and incentivize them to participate in games, tournaments, and various other play-to-earn features that offer rewards-based incentives. This ultimately stimulates the in-stadium economy as more fans are inclined to attend live sporting and gaming events hosted by them and ensures a healthy ROI for advertisers as state-of-the-art KPIs provide insights into important trends and behaviors.

Stay Connected

Twitter — @XMANNAOfficial

Telegram — t.me/xMannaOfficial

Website -XMANNA.io

Discord — https://discord.gg/Skfe3un7RJ



Mitchell Keller
Editor for

Content & Strategy for Quadrata - The Web3 Identity Solutions Provider. Founder of mach4studios.com