[Official Announcement] XMAX: Weekly Update #6

XMAX (XMX) Hash Token
4 min readJul 23, 2018

(Progress for July 12, 2018 — July 18, 2018)

Published by the XMAX Foundation on July 23rd, 2018

I. Important

The XMAX Foundation management team ensures that the content of this report is true, accurate, and complete, and there are no false records, misleading statements, or major omissions.

II. Major Events

[Ecosystem Partnerships]

XMAX & the Jiaxing block Chain Research Institute

The XMAX Ecosystem and Zhejiang province’s Jiaxing block chain Research Institute have reached a preliminary cooperation agreement, and have enlisted XMAX product developers as consultants alongside their team of experts to study blockchain related research areas and other issues. Zhejiang province’s Jiaxing Block chain Research Institute is supported by the Jiaxing government and aims to speed up the implementation of intelligent city planning. This cooperation between the Jiaxing Block Chain Research Institute and the XMAX ecosystem will emphasize the integration of blockchain talent and technology while studying the implications of blockchain development in China.

Xmax Ecosystem Building

In order to better serve XMAX Ecosystem projects, this week we focused on continuing to improve our company’s base that we may offer more services and support in the future. The following developments have been accomplished with the help of our product development team:

1. Continued redesign of the XMAX website. www.xmx.com

2. In order to help users more understanding of XMAX, we have updated the Chinese version of the White Paper, and are working on providing an updated English version for the whitepaper.

3. In constructing the XMAX ecosystem, a multi-currency blockchain wallet is essential. This wallet must be secure and easy to use. We have designed and completed the XMAX Wallet version 1.0 and plan to beta test at the end of July.

[Development Progress — GitHub]

  • Mainchain: P2P network framework.
  • Mainchain: database module.
  • Mainchain: implemented dynamic loading plugins.
  • Mainchain: plugin dependency analyzer.
  • Sidechain: ERC721 data unit test case.
  • Sidechain: Interface for issuing ERC721.
  • Sidechain: ERC20 & ERC721 mint interface.
  • Sidechain: extended ERC20 data.
  • Sidechain: transaction processing flow.
  • Sidechain: automatic validation logic for an irreversible block.

GitHub Link:


[Brand Building and Marketing]

1. XMAX Promotional Team Developments [Asia Market]

Opened WeChat Admin Account:XMAX社区 (XMAX Community)

Published Articles:

《XMAX Weekly Progress Updates 2018.7.5–2018.7.11)》

《XMAX Community Accelerator and Captains Meeting Successfully Concluded》

(This admin account is still being developed and has not been fully opened to the public)

2. Media Reports

This week, XMAX continued to focus on technology development and building the ecosystem, while maintaining a low profile in domestic media coverage. XMAX was published in the following media channels:







3. New Design & Branding — XMAX Logo

The design of the new XMAX logo and branding is progressing well. We have narrowed our options down to three design and branding concepts and are discussing them internally as a team.

[3AM Social APP Development — Partner]

· Worked with District 9 Finance Data’s blockchain platform,to update information within the 3AM App.

· Established a strategic partnership with BitKeep Wallet

· New Lucky Coin Promotion — This promotion uses the power of the stars to help you choose the best cryptocurrency to buy.

[Community Building — Asia Market]

1. XMAX Community Activities

XMAX Community Alliance Online Event (Asia Market)

Haode Huang, the founder of the Di Club founder, served as the rotating chief of the XMAX Community Alliance for this week. His tenure lasted from July 10th to July 17th.

2. XMAX Community Alliance Media Partnerships (Asia Market)

XMAX was featured in the following media publications following the successful conclusion of the first phase of the XMAX Community Accelerator Program:

Huoxun Finance: July 11th, 2018

31° North Latitude Media :July 9th, 2018

Bo Chain Finance: July 9th, 2018

FN Information: July 9th, 2018

Sheng Chain Finance:July 9th, 2018

Bimawen Financial:July 9th, 2018

3. Community Growth [Asia]

· WeChat: The number of communities increased to 200, with 80,000+ members.

· Official Telegram Community[Chinese]: 18,141。

[Market Transactions]

Available Exchanges:

Currently, XMX is traded on 13 exchanges.

The official partner exchanges are Huobi HADAX, OTCBTC, BJEX, FCoin, DDEX, Dididu, and 3EX. The non-official partner exchanges are ABCC, Hotbit, CoinX, SyeX, MEXC, and Global (in no particular order). Information on the upcoming exchanges is subject to official announcements.

XMX Trading Volume on HADAX:

From July 8th to July 14th, 2018 (7 trading days), with ETH as the base unit, XMX’s trading volume was 994M(calculated at the closing price on July 14th of approximately 4,840个ETH),a price decrease of 13.95%;when measured in BTC, XMX’s trading volume was 666M(calculated at the closing price of July 14th , approximately 225个BTC),the price of XMX decreased by 15.94%.

[Global Community Building]

XMAX continues to work with overseas communities and the media. Here are some of the results:

· The members of the English Telegram community increased to 19,697 (increased by 2,142 members), 1,015 Redditors follow XMAX on Reddit (increased by 576 Redditors).

· 714 people followed XMAX on Twitter(increased by 15).

· 6 articles were published on Reddit、Medium、CCN、& Steemit (for a total of 30 articles).

· 2,097 total claps on our English Medium blog posts.

· 1 new YouTube video was created about the project (total of 10 YouTube videos, together these videos have been viewed approximately 46,500 times an increase of 2,500 views from last week.)

· 2 Articles on the XMAX project were published on Korean twitter accounts.

· 100 total claps on our Korean Medium blog posts.

· The members of the Korean KaKao Talk community grew to 155.

XMAX invites you to join our Community:

Official website: http://xmx.com/

Follow XMAX on

Telegram: https://t.me/XMXBlock_org

Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/XMAX_Announcements

Medium: https://medium.com/XMAX-galaxy-network/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/XMax_Blockchain/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/XMAX_io

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XMAXBlockchain/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNSusjnEEMDxrCPK7Yl_Tyw

GitHub: https://github.com/XMAXPlatform

Bitcoin Talk Forum Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4573727.new#new

KakaoTalk: https://open.kakao.com/o/gvPHGYP



XMAX (XMX) Hash Token

XMAX (XMX) is re-decentralizing Bitcoin by building a global hashrate network (currently over 730 PH/s) and giving this power to the community.