Meet Our New Brand Identity

Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2022


This year marked the 16th anniversary of Xmind. Although it was a bumpy road full of competition, we marched on with no fear.

We believe the most effective way to combat copycats and outright knockoffs is to best them in every aspect of the game. So we stuck to that belief and kept exploring the unknown, leaving all our tagalongs behind. And we would like to think that we did it yet again.

Introducing Our Brand New Identity

Redefining Xmind

Sixteen years ago, before Xmind, mind mapping software was considered a professional tool reserved for few. It was expensive and too complicated for the masses.

In comparison, the popularization of mind mapping is now a fact. More and more people are picking it up and using free tools to maximize their efficiency. And we think Xmind has something to do with it.

The limitless applications of Xmind in learning, working, and many other situations are in the hands of our users. And our branding strategy has to evolve to reflect that trend, shedding our previous shell.

Besides being a professional mind mapping & brainstorming tool, Xmind has become synonymous with effective thinking. From Ph.D. candidates to middle school students, technophiles to work-at-home parents, Xmind could be the simple solution to most of your thinking problems.

This is the kind of user-friendly experience Xmind wants to bring to our users and the core of our brand upgrade — keeping our users closer to us.

Brand-new Design

In redefining our brand, we wanted to incorporate more youthful elements in our design. And to that end, our new logo is more rounded, simplistic, and friendly, with Xmind in all lower cases and butterfly as its symbol.

Spread Your Wings

The butterfly imagery is one of our bright spots.

By flapping your wings of thoughts and using Xmind, you can easily start a brainstorming session right here, right now.

The butterfly effect also inspired the chaos theory. By sorting your thoughts in Xmind, we hope that the chaos in the world will not be the obstacle barring you from success.

We also love the agility of a butterfly. Whenever you are stuck on something, say, writer’s block, Xmind could be the butterfly that pushes you forward and keeps renewing your mind with original ideas.

Much like some of our fleeting inspirations, we hope that Xmind can help you capture them, like how our red box in the logo encapsulates the butterfly.

By morphing your thoughts in Xmind, they can finally cocoon into butterflies, spreading wings and influencing others.

We thrive on making the process of thinking, coming up with ideas, organizing them, and expressing them easy and fun. What could be better than a butterfly to convey that idea?

X Marks the Spot

When more and more companies are using X to name their company, we know that our choice 16 years ago was visionary.

X could be the variable, the treasure marker, and the simplest form of mind maps with a central topic in the center and topics spreading out to signify changes, new possibilities, and innovations.

This was embodied in every version of our products and our team. And we kept that to remind us what we work for initially.

From Smart Color Theme to Pitch Mode, Xmind has been working towards pushing the limits of mind mapping software. We hope that Xmind is more than just a mind mapping tool and that our exploration will bring our users pleasant surprises in the future.

Verbing It Up

XMind used to be just X and Mind. But now, a closer look at how this word is being used today reveals to us the fact that Xmind is more than just a combination of two words. Instead, it is an equivalence of mind mapping.

Like how we tend to use google to represent search engines, we believe Xminding something is now in replacement of “let’s do a brainstorm session” or “let’s organize these thoughts.”

Changing XMind to Xmind is a reflection of that. All lower cases make it less intimidating for people to approach mind mapping as a tool, appropriate for the goal we want to achieve — making mind mapping accessible to all.

Our team spares no effort on simplifying your Xminding experience. By minimizing the difficulty of Xminding, we wish to bring this life-changing tool to everyone if possible.

Sparkling with Colors

We use bolder, more striking visual elements for this branding upgrade, changing our color theme from a monotonous red to multiple colors.

Colors are the essence of Xminding. So, like how you may now insert stickers and rearrange color themes in Xmind, we hope these colors could serve as a source of inspiration and fun.

Thinking can also be fun. This is the impression Xmind wants all our users to have on generating and organizing ideas.

Visual Display

All the lofty talk aside, let’s take a look at what our designers came up with for all of our deliverables.

We have just begun

Sixteen years is a long time. But for us, this marks a new beginning and an exciting journey ahead.

Many quirky, creative and fun ideas still await us, and we are lucky to have you with us on this crazy ride.

Originally published at

