Planning for 2021 with XMind

Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2020


Finally! We’ve made it to the end of 2020 and now it’s time for us to look back upon the past 2020 and plan for an exciting new year. Though the year 2020 has been an unpredictable challenge for everyone, we encourage you to stay positive, accept unforeseen changes and control what you can. Today, we’d like to take you on our way of planning for 2021 with XMind. A 2021 planning template will be provided for you to download at the end as well! The power of planning, as we believe, motivates us to fight and win life’s battles.

How I Lived My 2020? A Reflection.

Before planning for a new year, it’s always important to look back at what you’ve planned, achieved, and failed to achieve during the past year. My goals in 2020, unsurprisingly, were not all completed due to the sudden worldwide pandemic. So, I reviewed the list of goals and highlighted the uncompleted ones which will be added to the new year’s goal list again.

How to Live My 2021? Vision & Goals.


YouTubers often save pages for a vision board when bullet journaling. What is the vision? Why do we need vision to start the planning of a new year? Although its meaning varies individually, I believe a vision is about a person’s attitude/faith on how to live a new year. What’s your prioritization and focus in 2021? Happiness, growth, challenge, learning are common themes. A vision can be a quote you like, words of encouragement, a photo of place you like or anything that simply inspires you. Take my vision for example, last year I wrote a quote by Mandy Hale, “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”


When you have a vision and a theme for 2021, then it’s time to set yearly goals (for different areas of your life). Life areas include study, work, skills, personal development, finance and more. List goals to achieve under each section and assign steps/tasks that needed to be done each month during the planning part in yearly timeline. For goal-setting, we’ve introduced the SMART principle to follow in the previous article.

How to Plan for My 2021? A Planning Template by XMind.

To save your time outlining for a new plan structure, we’ve graphed a 2021 planning template in XMind. This template includes sections of vision, goals and plans (divided in months). Simple but comprehensive. Feel free to make any personal changes to it after downloading!

We hope this template is useful for you to start planning for 2021. We appreciate your continuous support and love for XMind in year 2020 and look forward to spending a wonderful year with you soon.

Originally published at

