#bigdata 42e — Big Data Influencers

Steve Jobs (credits pixabay)

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are influencers from the microcomputer era, graphics interfaces, and technologies that have revolutionized modern offices.

Big Data and Data Science also have pioneers who believed that something new was emerging and changing people’s lives and business.

Many companies and professionals contributed to the explosion in using Big Data and Data Science technologies.

Let’s recognize some of them.

Google and Yahoo are the biggest influencers of Big Data, giving rise to the first applications. Facebook has made tremendous contributions, followed by LinkedIn, Netflix and Amazon.

People who have worked in these companies have become influencers and some established corporations that are perpetuating the era of Big Data.

Some influencers are:

  1. D. J. Patil
  2. Doug Cutting
  3. Jeff Hammerbacher
  4. Hilary Mason
  5. Andrew Ng
  6. Monica Rogati
  7. Kirk Borne
  8. Thomas Davenport
  9. Other influencers

Big Data Pioneers

1 — DJ Patil



🇵🇹 José Antonio Ribeiro Neto (Zezinho).
Big Data for Executives

🇵🇹 Lisbon. AI Researcher & Author | USA WebCT IT Exec | Portuguese-European Citizen | Tech Educ Exec | Digitalis Portugal Partner | Ex-athlete | Peace to All.