Community Within XOCIETY

Ryan "NDUS" Chown
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2023

Bringing the power of the crowd to XOCIETY and being rewarded for it!

Pioneers, XOCIETY keeps moving forward with our plans to launch a truly powerful Web3 experience. In previous articles, we’ve covered almost everything about XOCIETY and its team, approach, artwork, etc. Today we’d like to talk about building community and partnerships and how important it is for the core of the XOCIETY project. Unlike the Web2 gaming approach, Team NDUS is not an island and can not succeed without the support of the community of users as well as partners.

To begin with, why would a Web2 gaming company even be interested in reinventing the wheel in the first place? Wouldn’t it be better to just stay in our lane and do what we do best? There are certainly teams that have chosen that path and will continue to go that direction, but Team NDUS decided to innovate and embrace Web3 technology and ethos for many reasons, principal among them being a closer and more horizontal relationship with the community.

Community engagement can happen on many levels, and besides the standard devices of discord / twitter, XOCIETY proposes to mobilize large-scale partnerships by literally integrating them into the world of XOCIETY. “Interoperability” has been a quandary and obstacle when it comes to building Metaverses that are enjoyable for users, and few teams have the capability to take on such a dilemma. However, Team NDUS’s in-house powerhouse team, with the help of such advanced partnerships as “Ready Player Me”, has demonstrated a model where any basic 3d rigged model can be smoothly translated into XOCIETY. Not only that, but Team NDUS has also worked on bringing PFP based assets to life, like Ben Mauro’s EVOLUTION series.

Countless projects have amazing IP and vibrant communities and yet haven’t been able to quite leap from a 10K PFP project into an actual metaverse. XOCIETY has demonstrated a viable pathway for integrating virtually any project / community, which in turn provides utility and value for the project’s users as well: a true WIN WIN! And Team NDUS is hard at it adding new ones day by day, in fact, you can get a sneak peek at another awesome community NFT in development in this twitter thread.

With this kind of technology, who wouldn’t want to be reborn in XOCIETY and start to Shoot, Earn, Pioneer? XOCIETY is primed to strategically take that leap with high-level partners, providing value for them while helping to spread the word about XOCIETY and the “No Free Lunch” ethos! Who do you think we should partner with next?

Ready to get involved? Make sure you’re actively working toward mintlist.

Shoot, Earn, Pioneer. Now We Live in XOCIETY

Twitter: @xocietyofficial



Ryan "NDUS" Chown

Global Community Manager for @xocietyofficial Making moves on blockchain, in a new unreal engine powered venture, developed by NDUS Interactive