In-game corporations are coming to XOCIETY!

Ryan "NDUS" Chown
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2024

The latest way to play, earn & shape XOCIETY.

What are In-game Corporations?

In most virtual worlds, like games, economic activities usually happen through in-game NPCs, even for something as small as buying a single bullet.

Currently, 5 corporate giants rule over XOCIETY. All XOCIETY NPCs have been employed by these companies. ****

Who are they?

  • ARENA STAR: Manages all combat-related content within XOCIETY and generates profits.
  • FusionEdge Finance: In a world where MOTUS energy doubles as currency, this company will handle energy, financial services, and even insurance.
  • GLOBAL MERCH DISTRIBUTORS: A production and distribution company for essentials, general goods, and fashion items.
  • MEDI FUTURE HEALTH: A healthcare company in a world of advanced future tech, offering BIO HACKS, body modifications, enhancements, and more.
  • SURGENCE: A major military contractor in the distant future.

In XOCIETY you will take charge!

You will own, control and profit from the In-game Corporations of XOCIETY. The flow of tokens used to access parts of XOCIETY will flow across them and for those of you who own In-game Corporation NFTs you’ll see shares of income.

Token Flow from the Player’s Perspective

The main uses of $MCT in gameplay are as follows:

  • An Entry Fee to participate in games that offer $MCT rewards.
    The higher the rewards in a game, the higher the Entry Fee required.
    It is planned that 40–50% of all players will receive more $MCT than they paid in Entry Fees.
  • Various $MCT payments made during the growth process are converted into revenue for the in-game company.
    This revenue will be distributed to Shareholders.

Token Flow from the Shareholder’s Perspective

  • Players can collect XO-Points through gameplay actions such as; by ranking high in seasonal leaderboards and completing missions.
  • Seasonal rankings are determined by XO-Points, and ranking positions grant the right to acquire shares in in-game companies.
    Shares are obtained by paying XO-Points and $MCT.
  • Shareholders receive various rewards based on the amount of equity they hold.
    $MCT dividends
    Operational rights of the company
    Personnel authority in the company (for major shareholders only)

How do you get your hands on In-game Corporation NFTs?

The fastest way to acquire In-game Corporation NFT shares, will be by owning a Frontier Avatar.

Once you have a Frontier Avatar, you’ll be eligible to access these exclusive NFTs when each corporation issues them. This will significantly enhance your in-game experience and earnings.

Additionally, you can trade NTx for shares, giving you even more opportunities to grow your assets within the game. This system ensures that dedicated players with Frontier Avatars have special privileges and benefits, making use stick true to the No Free Lunch ethos.

When will In-game Corporations issue their shares?

Only the CEO of each Corporation knows, so look out as we start introducing each CEO and their company as we move forward.

Get the alpha for In-Game Corporations here:

Shoot, Earn, Pioneer. Now We Live in XOCIETY

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Ryan "NDUS" Chown

Global Community Manager for @xocietyofficial Making moves on blockchain, in a new unreal engine powered venture, developed by NDUS Interactive