Red’s Diary: Entering CAELUM & Your Questions Answered

Ryan "NDUS" Chown
Published in
5 min readOct 27, 2022

All the details on one of XOCIETY’s most important places, CAELUM 0064!

Red’s run of sharing his first few hours in XOCIETY continued with his short and sharp look at CAELUM 0064. Make sure you’re following his info drops. `

Red might have given you his view, but let’s dig a bit deeper into what CAELUM 0064 is.


CAELUM 0064 is like a giant hideout, one of many built around the world. Each was constructed to protect humankind during their self-imposed 50,000 years of hibernation.

The standard CAELUM Design

Every CAELUM is internally divided into two sectors, one for hibernation and one for when you’re woken by NDUS, the all-powerful AI.

We’ve already teased the change in bodies during hibernation. Thanks to the “conversion” of bodies by NDUS, the hibernation area was converted into a large medical area. This was where Red, our XOCIETY star shared his first moments from.

For those who have been awoken, CAELUM 0064 boasts health facilities, commercial facilities as well as testing areas. New members in XOCIETY will also have their own private space, a UNIT Box, to store gear and to use a base while pioneering the outside world.

A fully loaded UNIT Box is a powerful place.

What CAELUM 0064 means for Players.

For XOCIETY Players, CAELUM 0064 is their main area during the early stages of gameplay. Players will start their journey in the early areas. Moving from awakening, into communal areas.

CAELUM 0064 will be the place to explore as it’ll be packed with stunning visuals and some deeper secrets. Plus, don't forget, NDUS the AI hasn’t been 100% straight with Red.

As well as a safe space to be with others CAELUM 0064 will let you test out either newly acquired or upgraded weapons. As well as acting as your place for body upgrades and modifications.

You can get a flavor of CAELUM 0064’s environments as well as the look of a stocked UNIT Box in the gallery below.

Your questions, answered by Team NDUS the developers of XOCIETY

We dove deeper into CAELUM 0064 this week, and as a result, Team NDUS has answered a smaller number of questions. Let’s jump in!

@Abdullahi_105 cut straight to the heart of a core issue. What platforms is XOCIETY aiming to launch on

Team NDUS is a team of deeply experienced game developers, who have developed across mobile and PC. With their significant experience, and the aims of XOCIETY to be a triple-A Blockchain-enabled game. XOCIETY will start its life as a PC-based experience, powered by Unreal Engine 5.

However mobile can play a key role. Say as a companion app for the PC experience. An app that supports tasks such as communication, community features, and an info center.

Of course, the ultimate aim would be for the mobile experience to be expanded into a full-fledged cross-platform experience with both PC and Mobile players playing alongside each other in a persistent world.

@Zentechie520 Has been paying attention to Red’s journey and wondered. If NDUS has said it’s safe to release Red, then why did he need guns to defend himself?

This is a great question. NDUS may have deemed the Earth safe, but that doesn't mean it's not without its challenges. During hibernation, humankind may have been safe and secure in CAELUMs but the outside world continued.

Over the 50,000 years, animals and those humans left outside of CAELUMs evolved and mutated into dangerous and aggressive beings. Alongside these new dangers, without humans countering pollutants and working to combat climate changes Earth has dramatically changed its landscape.

NDUS has kept people safe in CAELUMs, even going so far as to radically alter them for the challenges they now face. But its powers were all set to maintain the global network of CAELUMs and those within it.

The outside world has become more dangerous and has fallen into disrepair, now the rebuild is up to you. Be prepared, to pioneer this new Earth.

A small glimpse of what dangers are out there.

Team NDUS will be exploring more about the challenges you’ll face in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

Remember to get involved and ask your questions to Red on Twitter @xocietyofficial. Getting them answered is the shortcut to getting on mintlists and more.

We’ll leave you with one more small look at some of the work being done by Team NDUS, the developers of XOCIETY.

XOCIETY is a Science Fantasy inspired MMOTPS experience. Which will be pioneered into a wider Metaverse with community and player support.

Shoot, Earn, Pioneer. Now We Live in XOCIETY

Twitter: @xocietyofficial



Ryan "NDUS" Chown

Global Community Manager for @xocietyofficial Making moves on blockchain, in a new unreal engine powered venture, developed by NDUS Interactive