The Challenges and Solutions of Release Process Management

Mithra Seifi
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2024

This article will discuss the importance of effective release process management in ensuring quality and accountability in software development. We will explore the challenges top-tier engineers face and the strategies for addressing them. We aim to gain insights into the need for a robust release process emphasizing due diligence, testing, and documentation. We will also examine the role of team leads in ensuring accountability and the measures taken to improve the overall quality of software.

The Challenges of Release Process Management

Release process management can present significant challenges, particularly when there is a perceived lack of alignment and accountability in larger-scale programs. We’ve observed delivery processes at some of our customer organizations, where some engineers have highlighted this issue by expressing frustration with the current state of the release process.

The Scale Struggle

Managing the release process becomes increasingly difficult as projects grow in size and complexity. What might be straightforward with one or two teams on a small project becomes a logistical nightmare with dozens of teams working on a large codebase. Frameworks like SAFe attempt to address this with practices such as the “release train,” but this approach introduces its own set of problems. The bigger a program is, the more complex it gets.

Lack of Alignment Between Business Objectives and Technical Focus

“There is a disconnect between the technical focus of team leads, who are primarily concerned with code correctness, and the value-driven goals of the product team, leading to misalignments and misunderstandings regarding the objectives of software projects.” — Engineer.

The quote highlights that team leads, who typically concentrate on ensuring the code is accurate, often do not align with the product team, which is more focused on the overall goals and value of the project. This disparity in focus can lead to confusion and disputes regarding the objectives of the software project. This may result in release processes that do not support the business objectives.

Testing Deficiency and Delays

Engineers can find themselves in a dilemma, balancing between the need to produce a high quality product and the reality of working with inexperienced teams and team leads. When an inexperienced team lead rushes the release of code products without sufficient testing, it can cause the product team to lose confidence and devote excessive time to further quality checks.

Due diligence and testing are crucial components of the release process. The conversation between the engineers may highlight that team leads are not putting enough effort into documenting and testing the team’s work. This often results in a lack of quality, duplicate quality checks, major delays, and inefficiencies.

Lack of Ownership and Accountability

“I’ve got this kind of clash that I’m fighting with — my internal reaction of, well, maybe these people are not the right individuals to lead their pods versus maybe I need to reset my expectations and start to build up maturity among the team leads to get more accountability.” — Engineer.

“My number one measure at the moment is focusing on our release process and the due diligence done by the team leads. I was expecting a lot more accountability to ensure that the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.” — Engineer.

They mentioned that the lack of accountability has resulted in laziness and a decline in software quality. Without a dedicated individual or team to manage the release process, accountability can become diffused, and the quality of releases can suffer.

Strategies for Overcoming Release Process Management Challenges

To confront these challenges, several strategies are proposed:

1. Automating the Release Process:

Implement automation for the release and testing processes with full metrics and reports. This due diligence ensures high quality as the complexity scales, reducing the manual burden on the teams and enhancing efficiency.

2. Bridging the Gap Between Technical and Value-Driven Goals:

Encourage team leads to review code for technical correctness and the strategic value it brings to the product. This can help align the technical aspects of software development with the broader objectives of the project, ensuring a more cohesive and value-driven outcome. When in doubt, team leads should have quick access to product people who can easily explain the value intended.

3. Enhanced Focus on Due Diligence and Testing:

Emphasize the necessity of sufficient documentation, due diligence, and testing by team leads. This focus is critical to alleviating the burden on the product team and standardizing quality checks throughout the development lifecycle.

4. Role of Release Manager:

Assign a release manager role to different associate directors for each release cycle. This approach ensures that someone with a broad perspective on the project takes ownership of the release process, fostering a culture of accountability.

“I want the associate directors to stand up in the room beside the product owner and either be proud or own up to our accomplishments and misses.” — Engineer.

5. Creating Private Circles for Improvement:

Establish private circles facilitated by an objective third party. These circles would serve as a platform for team leads and other stakeholders to better understand the discovery process and how best to balance time investment with value creation.


To improve their software’s overall quality, teams should focus on careful planning, thorough testing, and keeping sufficiently detailed records. These teams’ leaders ensure the technical side matches the company’s goals. By assigning a team or an individual to oversee releases, encouraging a culture of continuous improvement, paying close attention to detail, and making sure technical efforts support the company’s goals, software development teams can greatly enhance how they work and what they produce.

