XOD 0.32.0: Cloud Feeds

Victor Nakoryakov
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2019

Hi folks! Today we release a new version of the XOD visual programming language for microcontrollers.

The main feature is interfacing with so-called XOD Cloud Feeds. What is it? It’s a feature that allows your devices to store data from sensors or logging events to the Internet. For example, you can track how temperature changes and when a window was being open and closed.

Using the `cloud-store` node to store thermometer measurements

The data is arranged in feeds, which are something average between a log and table. The feeds belong to you. You are free to discover the history of records, apply date filters, and see the changes plotted as charts.

Example feed chart
Example feed data

To get started with the feeds quickly, a couple of articles were written by XOD developers:

Features to fetch data from the feeds, as well as integrating with them via a generic API are coming soon.

For the time XOD Cloud Feeds are being tested, we place no restrictions on their usage volume.

Library search in IDE

Previously, when you hit “Add library” in XOD IDE, you were being forced to enter the exact name of a library you want to install. This is OK when you know what library solves your problem. However, it makes things more complicated than necessary when, for example, you know what hardware you want to drive but don’t know are there any libraries for that.

Now you can enter a query in the suggestion box and get the same library listing as you would get on https://xod.io/libs/ but right inside XOD IDE:

As usual, the release includes many other small improvements and enhancements. Read the full list on GitHub.

Get the new version of XOD from the downloads page or try it directly in your browser. If you have XOD installed already, accept the upgrade offer when IDE starts.

