Dahlia Basar

Founding Sales + x-Functional Relationships

Ruth Temianka
The Xoogler
4 min readNov 11, 2017


Xoogler Dahlia Basar

What did you do at Google? I was one of the four founding saleswomen at Google London in 2004.

I’d never done Search advertising before but hailed from the world of TV advertising, so had some exposure to different ad formats.

What attracted you to that role? One of the things that stood out about Google was the team’s willingness to take on people with potential. They believed I was capable of learning how to sell new products and that faith in turn motivated me to perform.

After that, my roles evolved from selling Search to Display, Video and Mobile. I joined the Youtube team post-acquisition, which was led by the fantastic Bruce Daisley. At that time, no one wanted to hear about the new ad format. Times have changed!

Next I moved into the world of Agency account management and owned the relationship with Mediacom, a big account.

After that I was hankering for more opportunities to focus on relationship-building and accepted a role in Partnerships after 11 years at Google. I really enjoyed the different style and skills required to be a success in managing sales partnerships. It was very different from my prior experiences.

Image courtesy of @heftiba

Do you have a favorite item of food from one of the canteens? Any form of cake! The blueberry loaf cake at Google London is so good they even surprised me with one for my birthday. That was great!

You’ve had a very successful 13 year career at Google. What motivated you to leave Google this year? I left in February after exploring a few internal options. I was really hankering for that steep learning curve you get with a new role and explored jumping into new disciplines like Product. At the same time I also had some exciting external projects to explore.

Ultimately, it felt like it was time to try something new.

What would you say was your best experience at Google? I really enjoyed the scrappy startup experience! Having the opportunity to help craft a narrative for selling new products like YouTube was amazing. With the rapid pace of change at Google there was always something new to think about.

Every day felt like being a part of an insanely incredible journey!

What business learnings from Google will you be applying to your career going forwards? After I grew the AdTech business, I could do that for other organizations.

Other aspects like how to get internal budget for a given project or ad spend strategy have also been useful so far. I know how to set up a strategy to secure that. For example, have a number of different plans up your sleeve, don’t always rely on Plan A.

Understand your clients and the way they operate rather than applying your own template to their business.

My time in Partnerships also taught me about the value of growing business through developing deep relationships not only with clients but also cross-functionally within your own organization. In turn that teaches you the value of your own skills — your own brand — and how to use that to get the job done.

Have you tested these skills out so far this year? I started a business in property which has given me the chance to apply that knowledge in a new context.

Going forwards though, I’m looking to help other businesses with these same challenges.

Image courtesy of @anniespratt

Do you know what you want to do going forwards? I’d love to do something that’s strategy-, business development- or revenue-related.

I enjoy growing partnerships. The end goal is to stay in tech and work with brands or products that have a social impact.

What’s been the most surprising discovery on this new career path? Corporate companies and agencies are exploring how to make a social impact these days. Things I never thought possible are actually out there now!

Why is that do you think? It’s got to the point where companies realize if they don’t think outside the box, they’ll be missing out on being able to benefit their community beyond their core mission statement.

For example Allianz is developing a new company looking at AI. It’s really interesting seeing what’s happening out there.

What does being a Xoogler mean to you? It’s been great to take time out and realize the business skills I can share with the world after working at Google.

Ultimately, the network has been the best part of being a Xoogler.

I’ve also used the opportunity to attend Xoogler.co events to It’s connect with new contacts, find extra advice and support beyond my established circle. These people have been pretty pivotal.

What’s the best advice you’re received from Xooglers?

People often ask me: “what do you want to do?” That’s been super useful.

It’s propelled my thinking around crafting a personal brand, connecting with recruiters, researching new opportunities and beyond.

How can people get in touch with you? Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or see you at the next Xoogler.co event in London!

Thanks Dahlia!

