A Spaceborne View of The Xord Expanse

Abdul Sami Khawaja
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2021
The Xord Expanse

This article should be read as a prequel to my previous article explaining what Xord is. The previous article went into detail about Xord’s main circles. This article is meant to focus more on the story of Xord, the ecosystem that Xord is creating, and the high-level vision of the company.

Here is a breakdown of the article:

  1. Our Core Focus
  2. The Expanse of Xord
  3. Proxima
  4. Ventures
  5. Cosmic Accelerator

Our Core Focus

“Empowering people to create an honest world.”

Our core focus can be divided into two parts:

Empowering people

We have placed special emphasis on people here because we want to empower people to achieve what we want to achieve, hence the reason for our focus on the culture of the company. We have always tried to do away with centralization and our company’s dependency on a person or a group of people.

Create an honest world

The second part that explains why Xord exists is to bring honesty and transparency to the systems of the world so that we can all escape from the shackles of the systems of the 80s and 90s, and truly experience what humanity can conceive. We believe that Blockchains would form the foundation on which the world will run in the next decade. We want to have a contribution in that future by building the most powerful products and solving the problems with blockchain tech as it exists.

The Expanse of Xord

“An ecosystem of individuals and companies working together to create an honest and transparent world”

Since we have always tried to focus on building systems. One day we realized that what we are building towards is an ecosystem, and that’s what we called the Expanse of Xord. We are laser-focused on nurturing an ecosystem that empowers people to achieve our vision.

Full View of Xord Expanse

Xord Expanse currently has three orbits around the core of Xord:

  1. Proxima
  2. Ventures
  3. Cosmic Accelerator

Proxima: Products

The first orbit Proxima is in the closest proximity to Xord and is tightly coupled with the core. This orbit is focused on creating products for developers creating new things in the blockchain space.

As of this writing, we are focused on developer tools that will help them create applications rapidly, test, deploy, audit, and get them to market fast.

View of Proxima orbit

Ventures: Incubator

The Venture contains companies that were started here or are associated with Xord. People from all over Xord gather together to create something of great value. Anyone from anywhere in the company can take an initiative, build a great team, and Xord will provide resources to the team to empower them to achieve their goals. The incubated companies are their own separate entities that have their own brands and ethos.

Currently, we have five companies incubated: VoirStudio, Novon, BlockApex, Expedite, and Tech Garage. All of these companies have been started by Xordians. By the end of this year, we intend to bring external companies into the expanse of Xord.

View of Venture orbit

Cosmic Accelerator: Consultancy & Solutions

The Accelerator orbit is where we launch other companies into the cosmos. We help others using the knowledge and skill set that we have to accelerate them on their journey into deep space.

The Accelerator orbit lies in the outermost reaches of the expanse. This is where we work in partnership with like-minded companies to launch their products in the public blockchain sphere. Since the start, our client selection process has been rigorous, and we only work with companies who share our core values and vision for the world. Any external company that becomes part of this orbit can work with other companies in this ecosystem and help each other grow together.

View Accelerator orbit


This is the expanse of Xord that we have worked so hard to nurture and cultivate. The future is going to be quite exciting as we see new companies pop up from inside Xord and external companies also joining our ecosystem.

To read more about what Xord is, and to dive deep into the major divisions of Xord, please read this article.



Abdul Sami Khawaja
Editor for

Great stories happen to those who can tell them.