Life at Xord: Kunwar Faizan, a perfect blend of professional will and humility

Tabasum Karim


Xord is currently focusing on Web-3-based research and development. Working on this path requires highly skilled and experienced people who are ready to make their mark in the universe by creating value on a bigger level and adapting to the change early on. Xord is proud to present one of its valuable product managers, Kunwar Faizan, who is leading the development of our new product called Metadot.

As an individual, you will find him very respectful and welcoming. More focused on taking his team to the next level and recently working on launching his product. He prefers to make inclusive decisions taking in feedback from his team from time to time. Let's hear out what insights Kunwar Faizan has from his journey at Xord.

Please briefly take us through your journey and how did you find Xord?

When I initially joined Xord, I was wondering how come such young people are operating a business but I quickly found out that I was in some serious business. The work culture is amazing. People here are open to receiving feedback no matter what position they are in and the difference of opinion is respected. I love that people at Xord are either able to convince you or get convinced.

Do you think the core values of a company are important?

I think that is what almost all organizations try to do but very few are able to implement and build a culture around it and that’s where Xord stands out.

What satisfies you the most at your work?

I work with high performing teammates who take full ownership of the work they do.

How do you deal with pressure when you are making a lot of decisions and what ways do you use to reboot your mind?

When I am making any critical decision I would have it go through my teammates to get validation on it. To reboot my mind I watch Youtube videos or I take a break.

What strategies do you use to make quick decisions and which ones do you find most effective?

I weigh benefits and risks than take small decisions but for bigger ones, I would consult with my team and get validation from them. I believe the decisions that I don’t rush are the most effective ones.

What do you suggest to people who want to join Xord?

Web3 is the future and Xord can really help you be that early adopter.

Where do you see Xord in the next 5–10 years?

It’s a hard question, I can’t predict but one thing that I can say for sure is that I see Xord moving ahead. I don’t see the possibility of going back. I see Xord as an opinion leader on blockchain and Web3.0 in Pakistan and a well recognized Web3.0 product company in the blockchain space (at least).

What makes your team unique at Xord?

We are probably the only team working to create a product while other teams are primarily focusing on providing services.

Our product managers are working hard to build products that will provide value and make Xord a leader in Web3.0 adoption. They are focused, vigilant, and decisive.

Kunwar Faizan and his team are also working on something innovative. Xord fosters creativity and provides a platform to innovate. Xordians like Kunwar Faizan exemplifies that Xord is unique and adds value to the world by empowering leaders like him to experiment with their creativity.

