Life at Xord - Through the Lens of Abdul Samad

Tabasum Karim


Meet Abdul Samad, a Mern Stack developer who used to speak German more fluently than English. He transforms everything into a meme, and you will never be bored with him around.

The person he is can be described as amusing, jovial, pleasant, indefatigable, persistent, and hungry to learn and gain knowledge. He gives Xord’s leadership the credit for assisting him in his development and grooming. Let’s hear what he has to say about his life at Xord.

How is Abdul Samad known at Xord?

Samad: How am I known at Xord? I would say I am known as that funny guy who gets along well with everyone around. I have a strong understanding of the people I work with.

One thing you learned at Xord that you will implement in your personal life too, would be?

Samad: I get to learn a lot here particularly from the leadership team and the people I work with. I’ve observed over the years how important it is to have the perseverance to be successful and never give up.

There is Sami (CEO) and Fahad (COO) who have been working on this company since the beginning, have seen a lot of obstacles and ups and downs along the road, but have fought hard to achieve what they’ve dreamed of. It motivates me to be strong and never give up on anything I want to get or become. When I got here at Xord, I was a noob but with time I have learned a lot.

How do you define Xord’s culture in one sentence?

Samad: Ahh! It would be difficult to define Xord’s culture in one sentence but I would say it would be freedom with responsibility. Xord’s culture of freedom allows us to manage our time and responsibilities independently to achieve our desired targets.

Xord’s culture is based on its core values. So, which of them do you like most, and how do you think it makes a difference?

Samad: Related to Xord’s culture, I like the way we have the freedom to make our schedule, other than this I like the way the top management and leadership team is very supportive and helpful. Each one of them is down to earth and we never hesitate to ask for guidance. Shakeib (Chief Technology Officer), Asad (Co-founder - VoirStudio), we can go ask them anything and they will happily help us out.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Samad: Ah! I don’t know what would make people surprised to know about me but maybe few might not know that I make memes. I have a lot of memes about many of my fellow Xordians. You would be surprised to see those memes. It’s like a hidden dark vault that has scads of memes that hold many secrets of the Xordians. Can’t release them. Haha.

Samad’s Memes Vault, yet to be disclosed!

What is the proudest moment you experienced at Xord?

Samad: It goes back to the earliest stages of the company when I was working as an intern. I performed well on the projects I was involved in and one day Fahad called me and asked, how long was I going to work as an intern? I could not understand but that was his way of saying that I was promoted to be a permanent Xordian. That was a moment I will always remember, as I got something based on my own performance and hard work. I am glad that Xord found me worthy enough to allow me to work on the products and I am proud of my journey.

What’s the funniest memory of you in Xord?

Samad: Funniest memory would be once we pranked Moosa (the current Chief Information Officer) and we made him into a groom, made him wear flowers. It was so funny. He was reluctant initially but got along with the prank afterwards. It was like a celebration and he joined us.

What makes your team’s culture unique at Xord?

Samad: If I talk about my team culture, I can explain our group’s culture is friendly and supportive. We always have a light environment. We have fun working together and will jump out to help each other if one of us is in a problem. We named our team Babusoft.

Team Babusoft , Abdul Samad (2nd from the left side)

Let me share the story behind Babusoft.
Babusoft’s story is going to be presented at the inauguration of the new workspace as well. It goes back to NED University’s days where my teammates Qadir (fellow developer), Mauvia(fellow developer), and other fellows were friends back then and they started a software house. Sadly, that startup couldn’t survive but that name was left behind with them. In a way, it ignites that bond at Xord as everyone from that time is in the same team at Xord now. We take Babusoft as our own company and we aim to take over Xord. Hahaha!

As you say everyone is quite comfortable in the team and jokes around all the time, does it somehow affect your work?

Samad: It’s not like we play around 24/7. We have our own time after work when we are done with all our important dealings of the day. When everyone gets free, we sit together and the environment changes. We play Counter-Strike sometimes and these are the things to freshen up ourselves after work.

Any message or advice to new Xordians?

Samad: Xord is a good platform for learning. It is unique in the sense that it provides us with the platform to experiment with our ideas and gives us an open ground to be creative. It was the same for me. It’s been a unique journey. New Xordians should take benefit from it and learn as much as they can.

Yet to graduate Abdul Samad has come so far in the journey of Xord. While interviewing him and listening to his experiences, we felt like he has achieved so much in such a short time while also pursuing his degree. He has mastered his art and is already excelling in his field and his journey is an example of persistence and hard work paying off. It also gives off a lesson to the people who believe in a stereotype that without a degree one cannot excel.

Eager to learn, courageous enough to take risks, and willing to be part of a positive change makes Xordians like Samad unique.

