Cross-platform mobile apps development in 2021: Xamarin vs React Native vs Flutter vs Kotlin Multiplatform

Yev Kanivets
Published in
7 min readDec 28, 2020

Let’s make things clear from the beginning. There is no way in which cross-platform mobile apps can match native mobile apps in performance, user, and developer experience. And they won’t ever be able to do it. Everything else is just marketing ;)

Native mobile apps are developed separately for Android (Kotlin) and iOS (Swift). Ecosystems are supported by Google and Apple correspondingly, so developers get the newest, the most stable, the most convenient tools (Android Studio, XCode), SDKs, and libraries for work.

There are only two issues about native mobile development: cost and consistency. If there is a problem, there must be a solution. Considerable market for cross-platform frameworks already exists. But let’s see if they solve those two problems without creating new ones.

Important players

There are dozens of cross-platform frameworks, but not all of them are born equal. Honestly, there are just a few tools, which is worthy to consider at the moment. You will find the four most promising in the table below.

I can’t recommend PWA (Progressive Web Apps) and other web-based frameworks, because the resulting user and developer experience is rather frustrating, even though the cost is low.


Founded in 2011, and acquired by Microsoft in 2016, the company has developed an open-source C#-based framework, which allows the creation of mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone from a single codebase (UI and business-logic) using C# and XAML.

Xamarin is considered to be a failed attempt by Microsoft to enter the mobile devices space, largely dominated by Google and Apple. Since the discontinuation of Windows Phone in 2015, Xamarin and its ecosystem are on the decline as well.

Xamarin popularity comparing to other frameworks in Google Trends 2020

Most Android and iOS SDKs are wrapped and accessible from C# client code. In the case of missing functionality, native libraries and native code can be integrated with Xamarin applications, but it requires Android / iOS skills from the developer, which is rarely the case.

Xamarin is an obvious choice for C# developers, who want to try mobile apps development. Due to the limited set of dedicated Xamarin libraries, which are often outdated, Xamarin apps have often an unsatisfactory experience for clients, developers, and users in long term projects.

Written code can’t be easily migrated to native mobile apps or other cross-platform frameworks. So once chosen, Xamarin must be used for all features in the project.

React Native

Born during the internal hackathon at Facebook in 2015, React Native brings the React approach to the mobile world. Single codebase (UI and business-logic) is written in JavaScript and then compiled into native apps.

Technology is actively supported by Facebook and the open-source community. Android and iOS SDKs are wrapped and exposed to JavaScript pretty much the same way as with Xamarin. But due to the popularity, there are many more actively supported 3rd party libraries.

When some missing functionality occurs, developers need to implement special native modules in Kotlin / Swift and integrate them into the React Native app. It requires Android / iOS skills, which is rarely the case because technology is mainly targeted to web developers.

So a perfect React Native developer needs to know JavaScript + React Native SDK, Kotlin + Android SDK, Swift + iOS SDK, which is 3x of knowledge compared to common native mobile developers. Hence lack of good developers and elevated rates (fortunately not 3x).

Popularity of JavaScript comparing to other programming languages in SO Report 2020

Once you decide to use React Native for your project there is no easy way out. Migration to other cross-platform frameworks or native mobile apps will require a full rewrite.


The fastest-growing cross-platform framework unveiled by Google in 2017. Due to the size of the company and internal teams’ conflicts, Google supports 2 technologies for mobile development at the same time — native Android with Kotlin, and cross-platform Flutter with Dart.

One of the main pain points of cross-platform developers with Xamarin and React Native was struggling with limited support for customization of native UI components, which are used internally in both frameworks.

Flutter solved this issue with its own UI engine and components, so they are rendered by Flutter himself and look exactly the same way on all devices. Another side of this approach is that UI is different from any native application, which may not be the desired behavior in some cases.

High-level architecture of Flutter framework (Source)

Dart language was developed by Google well before the Flutter framework but struggled to find solid adoption. Hence all developers are equal with Flutter and need to learn it from scratch. The ecosystem isn’t yet as mature as React Native’s one but is quickly growing.

Native libraries and code can be integrated with Flutter applications, so some iOS / Android skills are needed as well. Again the same 3-language problem, requiring developers to be good at 3 technologies at the same time.

Since Flutter uses Dart, and the framework is written almost from scratch, developers will have a hard time migrating Flutter projects to other cross-platform frameworks or native applications. Literally, they will need to rewrite everything from zero.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Wait, isn’t Kotlin a language used for native Android development? Yes, but there is an interesting feature of Kotlin called Kotlin Multiplatform, which allows some parts of the Android application to be reused on iOS, Web, Desktop, and pretty much anywhere.

So Kotlin Multiplatform isn’t a cross-platform framework, but rather an optional code-sharing tool, which can be used in both, apps started from scratch and existing native applications. It gives developers unprecedented flexibility in what to share, and what not to share.

High-level architecture of Kotlin Multiplatform (Source)

It’s recommended to share the business logic of mobile applications, including networking, database, business, and presentation logic, which is not platform-specific and can be easily reused. In contrast, it’s not recommended to share UI components, which are much dependent on native platforms’ capabilities.

The target audience of Kotlin Multiplatform is native mobile developers, who already use Kotlin on Android and Swift on iOS. In other words, these are developers with a deep understanding of native mobile SDKs, which need to learn only one new language (Swift or Kotlin).

Thus Kotlin Multiplatform can be progressively learned in a few weeks. Too good to be true? Well, there are some drawbacks mainly related to the fact that Kotlin Multiplatform went Alpha just a few months ago.

While Android developers’ experience is 99% the same for Kotlin Multiplatform, iOS developers may struggle at first to grasp this new approach. But the learning curve is quite quick as well.

Even though needed native functionality can be effortlessly integrated with shared code through expect / actual mechanism, there are many libraries officially supported by JetBrains (creators of Kotlin and Kotlin Multiplatform) and the community.

There are also some rough corners in interoperability between Kotlin and Swift (see “Kotlin Multiplatform: ready, steady, …” for more details), but once you are aware of those problems, you can easily avoid them.

From my own experience, Kotlin Multiplatform allows saving about 30% of development time, which is not far from other players in space like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin.

Bottom line

If you are starting your project from scratch, and going to ship POC (Proof of Concept), or MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in the shortest term possible, consider using Flutter or React Native. But be ready to face the technology limitations, and always be a few steps behind the market, or rewrite mobile applications once again using native technologies.

If you have existing native mobile applications or want to get the most from native mobile platforms, consider using Kotlin Multiplatform, which requires almost zero effort from your Android developers, but can save a lot of time on the iOS side. In the worst case, you simply reimplement the failed shared part in Swift, no obligations ;)

Talking about the time & cost of mobile apps development, there is no official statistic about any of the cross-platform frameworks. But if we consider efforts needed to develop 2 separate native mobile applications as 100%, any of mentioned in this article solutions can save about 30% of your team bandwidth depending on complexity of your project.



Yev Kanivets

Technical Lead Mobile @ 360Learning | KMP enthusiast | Husband & dad | Marathon finisher