What’s a point about *Tech?

Alla Dubovska
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2019

As a developer I was always wondering about the meaning of all those *Techs: FinTech, EdTech, HealthTech etc. Am I not writing the same code for all of them anyway? If so, then why should I care?

Well, because we are never “just developers”, we are experts and we provide our expertise to other people, like designers, PMs, sales reps and others. They know near to zero stuff about programming and if we have the same amount of knowledge regarding the domain we are working in, how on Earth should we communicate?

Actually, communication and alignment are the most important entities in any team. It doesn’t matter how effective we are and how much code we are writing. If we are working in the wrong direction, it doesn’t make any sense. So let’s dig deeper into what *Tech is really about.

Tech stands for Technology

To have *Tech around domain we need some technology to be used. There are so many traditional domains, in which people worked for millennia: agriculture, finance, health, education and many others.

Biggest part of its existence they used simple tools and technologies invented by humanity, but progress was happening very slow and most of the work was done by humans. So people couldn’t really say that those domains are *Tech domains.

Nowadays computers and modern technologies disrupted almost all domains and changed them in such a noticeable manner, that technology is now an integral part of them. They just can’t work without HighTech anymore.

Innovations happens on intersections

Single domain is growing at the linear pace most of the time by gradually increasing amount of knowledge and experience. Real wonders are usually happening when synergy is coming into play. Synergy between several domains.

For example, when we take intersection between Education and Technology, we get EdTech. This is when Technology is applied to increase efficiency of Education and vice versa. It’s never a single-side effect, so if we concentrate on Technology only, we miss the point.

To make the real innovation then, you need to become an expert not only in technology (be a good programmer), but also in domains (deeply understand a subject) you are working in.

P.S. If you are looking for a team to take on your project in EdTech, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at hello@xorum.io. We are always happy to discuss the latest trends, give consultation and consider new opportunities.



Alla Dubovska

Software engineer (👩‍💻 native iOS development), Mom 👦, Marathon finisher 🏃🏻‍♀️