10 Lessons a Solo Trip Enjoyed with Locals can Teach you

Amit Singh
Blog - XOXO Tours (Social Travel App)
4 min readNov 2, 2020


10 Lessons a Solo Trip Enjoyed with Locals can Teach you

Traveling unescorted will make us more self-sustaining. Most of us are used to transmitting in groups or family. However, there are times we might have to transmit unattended. So what do we actually learn from sightseeing unaccompanied?

1.We become venturesome. Boy! Hunting down a place to stay during a trip could be tough without a travel friend but it’s fun too. We might even find other stuff missing like missing a travel permit or may be mixed up wrong instructions and ended up in the wrong shuttle. If you undertake your own unaided trip, you will need to handle some stuff without any help such as a budget, place to stay, etc. You will require autarchy and multi-balancing skills. This is not for the overly indigent people; you will need a streak of a venture.

2. The second lesson would be you become more indulgent. You probably need to wait for the adieu. You need to arrive there one hour or two before setting forth time. You also need to get in line for dinner or food. Traveling alone takes a lot of waiting which can make you irked but it works great for increasing your patience. Soon you will tolerate it and it becomes a learned skill. You will be more attuned to the situation and more ‘there’ when you travel. Reading a favorite book would also help you to pass time.

3. The third lesson is that sometimes your arrangements don’t work out. Sometimes we arranged to go somewhere but suddenly the tour guide says that some stuff has changed so one has to follow their plans and everything has changed suddenly, so you can’t plan where you want to go after that. The best solution is to be biddable and doesn’t over plan ahead of time.

4. The fourth lesson is that when we learn to be assured of commonality. When we are traveling in a group, we tend to be more unassailable and we can ask the other travelers whether we should do this or that. We just supersede the chaperon and all the works are there — perfectly safe. If your voyage alone, you tend to ask people inquisitions and directions. We ought to trust the local single to reach our harbor. Therefore we discern to be convicted with people more.

5. The fifth lesson is traveling unescorted is great for self-observers. This populace is always in their own word and this will force them to chat with other people. You also discern further about their folkways and improve your own knowledge.

6. The sixth lesson, you will be more presumptuous. After you have consummated all tasks on the trip in will generally spike up your presumption. If you were able to finish all those, well done! You manage to accomplish everything! Upbeat up!

7. The seventh lesson, it’s great for ingenuity. Solo travel boosts learning as you will face many daily accords and one will have to make a fast verdict that boosts your ingenuity. You need to improvise on the spot which predicament that you face and delve into explication immediately.

8. The eighth lesson, we discern to be grateful during traveling alone. Through traveling, we see many people less affluent than ours. We feel grateful that we are better than them. When I see the scroungers in China, I feel grateful that I have benefits and I live better than them. I also feel kind when I see the homeless on the road. We always think the other person might be surpassing our lives. But in actual fact, we might be breathing a superior life than them. Furthermore, we will be replete with kindness and feeling grateful after we see all this when we travel.

9. The ninth lesson, we become less anxious when we travel unescorted. Community groups who suffer from social apprehension will discern to go through it by voyaging unescorted. It’s a big presentiment and crucial, but once you shove through it, you will break through your apprehension and win a vanquishing battle.

10. The last lesson, we learn about personal selves better. We discern by means of understanding our personal selves more and pick up about others as well. When we travel solo we commit to generate our own decisions and become more open-minded and take more risks on our own.



Amit Singh
Blog - XOXO Tours (Social Travel App)

Digital Marketer at @JustDotJobs and @xoxotours #DigitalMarketing #SEO #PPC #Contentmarketing