How To Make Solo Travel Safe & Convenient For Females?

Xoxo Editor
Blog - XOXO Tours (Social Travel App)
5 min readOct 30, 2020


How To Make Solo Travel Safe & Convenient For Females? — Photo created by senivpetro —

Being a woman traveling to different parts of the world alone can be exciting, overwhelming and sometimes scary too. Women often hear their parents vehemently disagree with the idea of solo travel and to be honest, people might not really think they are wrong. As per news in media or social media, this world can be a scary place sometimes, especially for women. But don’t let this fact clip your wings or smother your dreams. You don’t always have to travel in groups or with your travel partner to have a safe trip. There are few do’s & don’ts you need to follow if you want to have a safe and convenient solo travel and we are here to explain them to you.

Tips to make solo travel convenient and safe for females

If you are wondering if it is possible for travel girls to go for solo trips and still be safe, the answer is absolutely yes. You just need to be careful and follow the tips below:

  • Research — Make sure you do proper research before going on a solo trip. Get a complete understanding of things such as weather of the place, its etiquette, way of living and culture. We’d advise you to interact with locals during your stay and try to do/stay like a local. Yes, if you want to travel solo, this is the key to it — the key to a happy solo trip. It’s important you blend in so as to enjoy the best insights about the city and be along with the locals. Some countries, especially Islamic countries have strict dress and etiquette code for women at some places and you may restrict going to such places.
  • Do not overdrink — Do not get wasted while you are out drinking. This is a tip that you should always be mindful of. While on a solo trip with no friends and just strangers around, you don’t want to seem vulnerable. Alcohol tends to slow you down and can attract criminals to you. It’s always important to be aware of your surroundings while you are traveling alone. But this doesn’t mean you should not drink at all. Eat something beforehand and drink slowly. Be aware of your surroundings and do not accept drinks from strangers, as they might be spiked. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

How To Meet People While Traveling Solo? — Xoxo Tours!

  • Book your accommodation in advance — You don’t want to end up in a totally new city with no idea of where to go and at what place to stay. Book your hotel in advance. But don’t just book any hotel. Make sure to visit the hotel’s website beforehand and check the reviews by other people. This will give you a fair idea of how good and safe that hotel is. It is better to book a hotel that’s a little expensive but got good reviews than to stay at a cheap rental which feels unsafe and isolated. Always remember that you can only have a good experience while traveling alone if you are safe. If you are reaching your travel destination late at night, make sure there is someone from the hotel to pick you from the airport or bus stop or the train station. It might cost you a few extra bucks but it’s worth the unwanted problems that you might face otherwise.
Photo created by freepik —
  • Get travel insurance — There are so many online companies providing travel insurance at cheap rates. Some people feel that travel insurance is a waste of money, but in reality, it might help you a lot during tough times. If your luggage gets lost during travel or you get stuck somewhere or you are robbed or you need to visit a hospital, your expenses will get reimbursed by the insurance company. We’d advise you to make a proper inquiry before buying travel insurance and examine different types of travel insurance policies before finally shortlisting one.
  • Travel buddy — If it’s your first time for solo travel and you are feeling jittery & anxious, get a travel buddy. There are several social travel apps such as Xoxo Tours which allow you to chat with like-minded travelers. This way you can talk with a number of people before finally deciding on the person you want to do the trip with. You can also use these apps to find a female companion and trip together.
  • Trust your instincts — As a solo female traveler, you don’t want to get involved in any uncomfortable situations. If you are unsure of any place or person, listen to your instincts as they are rarely wrong. If you are feeling nervous or uncomfortable or the person gives you negative vibes, get out of there. Do not feel bad about offending someone or worry about people interpreting you as rude, the most important thing for you is to stay safe. Don’t get over-friendly with too many people as well, not everyone is there to be friends with you. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak to anyone and be closed off. Just go with the flow to screen people.
  • Be open to new adventures — Just because you are a woman, you don’t always have to worry about your safety. If you obsess about it, you are just going to ruin the entire solo trip. Be open to meet locals & other travelers and try out new things. The world is your oyster and let nothing limit you. If you are too careful, you will end up not having enough fun on your trip and you don’t want that.

The world is such a beautiful, fascinating place and you need to visit as many beautiful locations here as possible. More & more women these days are breaking stereotypes and opting to travel solo. If you are one of these brave and adventure-seeking women, more power to you. Just make sure to follow the above tips in order to have a fun and hassle-free vacation.

