We Are Xpanse

Colleen Flynn
Xpanse Inc
Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2021

Our Company’s Leadership Principles

As a company, we are growing up quickly. Xpanse has grown from 7 to 60 employees since September 2020 and has no intention of minimizing its recruiting efforts.

Yet, as individuals, we recognize the need to slow down and consider the precedent that we set as we grow. We strive to be intentional and inclusive as we build a culture that supports our greatest asset — our people.

At Xpanse, we stand behind the following principles:

  • We value Intellect & Insights that drive customer obsession
  • We value Curiosity & Continuous Improvement
  • We take Ownership & Drive Solutions
  • We strive to be Transparent & Open
  • We Hire & Develop the Best
  • We believe the most important of all is to Deliver Outcomes & Results

To that effect, we have carefully elaborated on these leadership principles to better define who we are as a company.

We value Intellect & Insights that drive Customer Obsession

Driven and informed by data, we focus on finding the insights that yield better outcomes for our customers and company. The business decisions we make are informed by structured and logical reasoning that will ultimately create the most sustainable long-term growth for our team and value for our customers.

What does that look like every day?

  • Customer and Industry Knowledge: Leaders who build great products, obsess over their customers, and are not blind-sided by competitors or industry trends.
  • Data Analysis and Insights: Leaders who make good decisions and strive to be data-informed, not data-blinded. They pay close attention to customer anecdotes to prevent biasing on incomplete data.
  • Success Metrics: Leaders who push for clarity, define success based on objective and measurable metrics, and hold themselves accountable.

We Value Curiosity & Continuous Improvement

We are humble enough to accept when we don’t know something and use curiosity as a vehicle to continuously improve ourselves.

We strive to identify recurring problems by garnering meaningful and actionable feedback at regular intervals. We use the information to create great mechanisms and continuously improve the way we operate.

What does that look like every day?

  • Humility, Self-awareness and Self-development: Leaders are humble and constantly look for ways to improve themselves.
  • Active Listening and Empathy: Leaders practice active-listening, yet can read between the lines. They are inclusive and demand inclusivity from everyone. They seek feedback and respond to feedback with humility.
  • Effective Mechanisms: Leaders spot recurring problems, even those caused by good intentions. They assume responsibility for creating mechanisms for improvement, then continuously and objectively measure their effectiveness.

We take Ownership & Drive Solutions

We take ownership of problems/opportunities and challenge ourselves daily to drive solutions. We think long-term, engage in a healthy debate when there are differences in opinion, resolve conflicts objectively, and strive to move the company forward towards our collective vision every single day. We are a start up — we will iterate, fail-fast, learn, and improve.

What does that look like every day?

  • Commit and Deliver: Leaders commit based on information available, understanding “perfect” is the enemy of good-enough. They deliver by actively leaning-in and stepping-up to generate value for customers.
  • Own Decisions: Leaders own their decisions. Information is always imperfect and most decisions are not one-way doors. They value well-informed and quick decision-making based on data available.
  • Disagree, Debate, and Commit: Leaders avoid groupthink by showing backbone when they don’t agree with a decision. They support a healthy debate, and ensure that all walk out of the debates with clarity and commitment on the path-forward.

We are Transparent & Open

We seek to include and continuously educate all Xpanse team members in a setting where all are welcome. We strive to learn from each other and our work. We speak our mind and provide direct, well-balanced feedback to enable the team or specific individual to be more effective. There is a regular cadence of communication from leadership about the company’s progress and we encourage questions.

What does that look like every day?

  • Bad News should travel faster than good news: Leaders are brave and take ownership when things go sideways. They strive to leverage collaboration to convert a bad situation into an opportunity.
  • Communication Maturity: Good leaders exhibit high levels of tact and empathy. They communicate transparently and respectfully, while being aware of the context and audience.

We Hire & Develop the Best

We recruit and develop individuals with a focus on retention, skill development, and career progression. Everyone is welcome here and we are careful to support mechanisms that ensure diversity in hiring processes and inclusiveness in the work environment.

What does that look like every day?

  • Hiring: Leaders strive to hire the right people who fit the company culture and complement others on the team. They contribute by interviewing, sourcing/referring great talent, and creating a great candidate experience.
  • Mentoring Teammates: Leaders create an environment that promotes learning and building around critical skill gaps.
  • Empowering Teammates: Leaders empower their teammates to be more autonomous and efficient by providing them with the right tools and guidance.

We Deliver Outcomes & Results

Ultimately, the one thing that matters the most to our customers, partners and investors is delivering outcomes & results. We are all measured based on the results we deliver. There are no shortcuts on our roadmap to optimal results. Instead there are many measurable milestones and small victories along the way.

What does that look like every day?

  • Ambiguity and Complexity: Leaders strive to drive clarity when there is ambiguity and focus on simple solutions that overcome complexity.
  • Scope and Impact: Leaders take on increasingly complex problems to solve and deliver increasingly higher impact as they grow.
  • Execution Excellence: Leaders bring people together, drive alignment, and enable the team to pull in the right direction to deliver results that matter.

We fully anticipate that these statements will iterate and improve as we grow our team. But what will remain constant is our commitment to have transparent values that inform our company and culture.

Do these statements resonate with you?

Are you looking for a new and impactful challenge?

Consider joining our team. We are recruiting tech talent in the Greater Seattle Area. Explore open roles on our careers page.

Xpanse is building the modern OS for the greater mortgage industry that will connect and create value to borrowers, lenders, servicers, and providers. Conquering the last frontier of Fintech #BuiltInSeattle

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Colleen Flynn
Xpanse Inc

Startups, partnerships, & sports. Vanderbilt grad x 2.