XPeare, Story Content IP Acceleration Platform

XPeare Official Blog
4 min readJun 23, 2020

Rising Value of Content IP in the Digital Age

What comes to your mind when you hear about Harry Potter? A novel? A movie? Maybe a theme park? Being an original fantasy novel, ‘Harry Potter’ has been recreated into different forms of content till this date, creating multi-billion dollar franchise in the entertainment industry. This type of content business expansion using one source of content intellectual property(IP) is called one-source, multi-use strategy.

Through development of digital technology in content creation, anyone can easily produce and recreate their own story content. The expansion of digital economy has been attracting a lot of creators who want to monetize their original story into content IP. Due to this industry- wide change, the digital content market is growing rapidly at more than 12% CAGR. On the backside of this success story, investors are constantly looking for content IP that bears huge potential to become the next ‘Harry Potter’.

Finding the Most Promising Story in the Flood of Content

We are living in the age where technology is ever enriching our cultural palate. The improved content creation accessibility has opened up a whole new market for both consumers and creators. They are connected through a platform to discover or create their own story content. As more original content IPs are developed into other forms of content, the diversity of content has dramatically increased, causing overflow of new content that may not even have a chance to meet their consumers. There are clear limitations in current content platforms that needs to be addressed.

1) Curation Services that Forces Random Content Despite Unmatching Preference

Innovations in digital technology lowered the bars for creators. At the same time, it caused the side effect of soulless contents to be massively produced and distributed to consumers. This has increased the difficulty in content selection and users are going back to classics, not trying to look for new content. There is a need for personalized curation that can deliver the right content to satisfy everyone’s different preferences. This is directly correlated with the platform’s visitor statistics such as bounce rate and session duration.

2) Unexposed Value of Your Content Due to Content Distribution Monopoly

Content production in traditional industry such as music, movies, drama, and publication was mostly given access to companies with distribution channels. With marketing and monopolized distribution channels, they had larger influence on the success of a content rather than the actual value and quality.

In other words, the content that the companies does not support can never be successful in the market, no matter how good your story content may be. Due to this structural problem in the industry, content IP itself has been extremely undervalued and its valuation is severely distorted depending on the capacity of the investor.

Introducing Story Content IP Acceleration Platform ‘XPeare’ That Discovers the True Value of your Content!

XPeare is an innovative digital content platform built using AI and blockchain to address the structural limitations of content industry. Story content IP acceleration platform, XPeare utilizes blockchain technology to acquire reliable, high quality data for XPeare’s content optimized AI engine. The engine not only comprehensively analyzes user experience data, it also analyzes content market fit, providing next level market intelligence.

In other words, through XPeare’s story content IP acceleration platform, users get a integrated entertainment experience profile based hyper-personalized services such as preference based content curation and targeted search results. The user experience based service enables unmatched user experience. For content creators, content market fit analysis discovers the true valuation of content, ultimately boosting content IP business expansion.

Additionally, through content valuation backed by content IP investment market, creators will be able to successfully launch their own content franchise with financial support. Investors could invest in undervalued content IP and directly contribute to the growing digital content ecosystem.

XPeare’ data backed digital content ecosystem is co-developed by Joara, Korea’s leading digital content platform and Braincolla, a Google Cloud Platform technical partner. Next article will cover technical architecture and important roles of strategic partners in kickstarting the digital content ecosystem.

