3D Scanner
Published in
5 min readDec 23, 2020

All that a 3D Model is capable of to enhance your product’s point of view

As we all know by now, our main motive is to break the age-old norms of “basic sales and merchandising strategy” and bring out the best of modern-era technology towards a better sales chart at your business plans! At XperienZ, it's not just always about merchandising, it’s about A NEW PERSPECTIVE that we tend to provide your products and that adversely — TO YOUR BUSINESS!

In today’s blog, we’re going to see how our 3D Models will provide a sense of “visual satisfaction” that we guarantee to provide as always — in the notes of:

· Angles,

· Texture,

· Dimensions, and

· Overall Perspective.

Let’s have a look at all the aspects covered to give a whole new outlook to your products.


What is that main factor that divides the appearance and looks between any object’s 2D image to a 3D model? It is indeed the angles!

Angles play a major role in our field of making 3D Models as we keep note of the products’ overall look — like the sharp edges, the distinguishable sub-product topping, the depth of the inner layer and so on! Angles may sound a little subtle for objects like circle, sphere and other such products that has no sharp edge, but trust us when we say “EVERY ANGLE MATTERS!”

Here, you can see the Amazon EchoTM 3rd gen device that is basically the shape of a compressed sphere. Judging from this image, all that you can be able to measly identify can be the buttons on top, the shining command circle, and the outer body. But from the aspect of an enthusiast customer, he/she might want to know the way the product looks from all the angles and whether it would suit their requirements. Its at this case where 3D Models bring out the right answer to all their questions by giving them what they ask for — ANGLES!

As you can see from the video above, we can clearly identify the different parts of the device that were unable to be seen in the 2D Image. This will clearly convince the customers that were willing to buy the product and on top of that, boost the sales chart!


The main attraction the target audience of any one of these products — either clothing, beauty or food shopping, needs another major factor to be covered accordingly, that would help grasp their attention. And that is texture.

Any product from the clothing or grocery section is mainly assessed for the usual criteria — what material is it made of, how good does it look, or is it upto the trend/taste. So, in order to catch all those criteria right, a businessman must be able to provide the right choice of goods to get a spot-on final product. But how will you as a business man be convincing the crowd with just an image?

Here is an image of curry noodles, a world-famous dish, that is now a new product developed and finished by a random businessman. He/she is only able to bring up the image of the final product amongst the noodles lovers who have already been exposed to the likes of the noodles brands that reign the retails already. So, how will the businessman be able to bring up this new product across the retail and succeed in selling them?

Now, with the help of a 3D Model, not that we were only able to cover every part of the noodle bowl, but were able to generate the texture and vibrance of the noodles that can surely deliver an image of great taste and sheer pleasure to those customers who are now willing to buy the businessman’s noodles right away!


Every product that has one or more items, compartments, extensions, etc. requires a certain sense of providing a wider perspective to the customers. That’s where we bring in the concept of dimensions into the picture, or should we say — a model.

Here we see a perfectly moulded coffee table that is on sale at a leading website. However, the customer currently viewing it has a doubt that whether how many compartments does the coffee table holds. So, how will you show the customer what he/she requires?

Now, all the dimensions of the coffee table are unlocked in an instant using a 3D Model, and the customer will now know what are the number of compartments that the table withholds.


Looking at the three cases above, you could make an estimate on how your customers will be clear with what they will buy, and that in return will boost your sales massively!

At the end of the process, you can see how we had enhanced each and every aspect of the products’ perspective that we promised to enhance and as mentioned, adversely repercussed the sales of your product!

According to the sales statistics, around 47% of retailers and markets have been given such AR links for the products by the respective companies to promote at stalls and websites. Surprisingly, they found such products sell comparatively much faster than the remaining products. It might be astonishing for you but this is what we tend to provide to you — that’s our OVERALL PERSPECTIVE!

Feel free to check us out @Xperi.nZ for more relative perspective checks and also visit our social handles — Facebook, Instagram, and more!

“XperienZ life to the fullest!”



3D Scanner

3D Scanner pro uses Photogrammetry technology to create true 3D mesh from photos and videos using a smartphone’s camera. Check out at