The Real World Web:

Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2018

The Bridge Between Brands and the Modern Consumer

By Alex Hertel

Xperiel is the first company to combine Augmented Reality with the Internet of Things in a meaningful way. We’re pushing the Internet out into the physical world to make it digitally interactive. This will allow the modern consumer to use the technology around them all the time, just like in sci-fi movies. We’ve built technology that is capable of connecting all the devices that exist in every stadium, store, and school into an interactive digital ecosystem so that people can control the world around them with the swipe of a finger or click of a button.

This isn’t the World Wide Web (WWW), it’s the Real World Web™ (RWW™), an augmented reality (AR) experience of the world around us. The RWW will be the consumer-facing portion of the IoT, and the AR Cloud will be its user interface. But how does this work to benefit both brands and consumers?

Delivering Personalized Experiences for the Modern Consumer

Type the phrase “modern consumer” into a web browser and Google returns 582,000 hits. We see this term pop up a lot these days. But who is the modern consumer? You!

Modern consumers want to be delighted and engaged with personalized and interactive content seamlessly overlaid onto and integrated with their real world experiences. Wouldn’t it great when a hotel reception desk knows in advance that you like staying on a high floor, allergy-free pillows, and the latest episode of Game of Thrones on the TV, saving you time and making you feel special? Through the Real World Web, consumers can connect and share their preferences with devices and businesses wherever they go. From providing music, lighting and temperature preferences with their favorite hotel to communicating food allergies and table requests with a local restaurant, the Real World Web leverages a network or “web” of information to build unparallelled consumer experiences in the real world.

A New Network Paradigm

Unlike the World Wide Web, which only connects computers, the Real World Web is a new network paradigm that connects all technologies — a digital fabric uniting the whole physical world to benefit both consumers and brands. The Real World Web helps brands meet demand for time-efficient, personalized experiences that digitally enhance the real world by leveraging augmented reality. Not limited to a single industry, the RWW is massively horizontal like the WWW and we connect everything from healthcare to home automation, transportation to smart buildings, advertising and social media to gaming, creating a true network of data to connect with the modern consumer.

How is all of this possible? View our Real World Web explainer video demonstrating three real-world use cases that are already in the realm of reality.

Interested in learning more about Xperiel’s Real World Web (RWW)? See our additional resources below or check out our new Xperiel website.



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Combining the AR Cloud with IoT to create the Real World Web