Vote for Xperiel as we trail blaze to a world of unlimited IoT access

2 min readDec 11, 2017


By Alex Hertel

Here at Xperiel, trailblazing is in our DNA. In the last decade, we’ve seen a huge wave of new and emerging technologies come to the forefront of the IT landscape, but have noticed that they all prefer to exist in silos. With Xperiel’s Real World Web technology, we’re creating a fully-connected world that allows these emerging technologies to “talk” to one another. By allowing them to act in concert with each other (instead of on their own), we hope to put the “net” into the InterNET of Things and unleash the full potential of the underlying technology.

That is why we are honored to be named a finalist for the Tech Trailblazers Award in IoT. To get across the finish line and win, we’re asking for your help: until Tuesday, January 23, you can vote for Xperiel to win IoT Tech Trailblazer of the Year.

Also, feel free to tweet this: .@Xperiel has been named a finalist for the @Techtrailblaze Awards in #IoT. Vote here until January 23:

At Xperiel, we’re bringing to life one of the most powerful technologies that will redefine our relationships with connected devices and the world around us, in addition to challenge what society thinks it is to be “online” versus “offline”.

We’ve partnered with some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment, spanning the gamut from major brands like Major League Baseball, the National Football League, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Dodgers, Sacramento Kings, New York Jets and Anheuser Busch to enable two-way, interactive experiences that enhance brand interactions, revenue, loyalty and reach.

We’d like to invite all our customers, partners and fans to take a moment and vote for Xperiel to win. None of this would be possible without our stellar roster of investors, customers, partners and fans. Voting for Xperiel will help get the word out about our RWW platform and help us continue to go where no other company has gone before. And of course, we will continue to challenge our team at Xperiel, customers, partners, investors and consumers to see the world through a different lens and always strive towards something bigger.



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Combining the AR Cloud with IoT to create the Real World Web