Earning Qwiklabs badges, GCP certifications and more

Sayak Paul
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2019

I attended the Google Cloud Study Jam on 23rd February 2019 organized by DSC NSEC (Developer Students’ Club, Netaji Subhash Engineering College). The agenda of this was to introduce the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to the participants by making do stuff on GCP itself. Attending it was all gains for me. I had my first introduction to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)back in late 2016 and I even used it for my final year project (I was a final year B.Tech student during that time). But that was pretty much it; after early 2017 I did not get the chance to explore GCP and its features in a full-fledged manner.

All the attendees were provided with GCP Qwiklabs credits (worth $55) using which they could finish the relevant quests on Qwiklabs. The fun thing about Qwiklabs is the labs that it provides are no simulation, all of them give you real hands-on experience with GCP.

Sometimes back, I managed some time and completed two Qwiklabs quests — Baseline: Data, ML, AI and IoT in the Google Cloud and got myself two Qwiklabs badges.

Both the quests were great in terms of their objectives, contents, and application-orientedness. I got to deploy state-of-the-art ML models on GCP in no time and also got the chance to build a custom dashboard of IoT data analytics using GCP resources like Pub/Sub, Dataflow, Stackdriver.

On 14th March, our DSC Lead, Anubhav notified the core members of DSC NSEC about a Kick-Off call to be organized by the Google Cloud team and the Global DSC team. On that very day, the core members of DSC NSEC got invitations to join a live stream. In that live stream, we were reintroduced to the world of Cloud Computing and GCP by Ajay Hemnami who is a Technical Curriculum Lead at Google. The speakers also let us know about their future plans for promoting GCP and its awareness among the students in forms of study jams. During this discussion, the core members of DSC NSEC were very proud to mention about the Study Jam that DSC NSEC hosted and how well accepted it has been among the participants.

Towards the end of the live stream, we were notified that we will be given the chance to complete two GCP courses on Coursera that too for free (it is going to be organized by the DSC India team). More gains and strictly no loss! Later that night, we were given the invitations to enroll in two Coursera courses — Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure and Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. This got me pretty excited and I started instantly.

Yesterday, I completed these two courses and received the first two certifications on GCP. It certainly feels nice and I feel more confident about GCP and its capabilities than never before.

Drum Rolls part I
Drum Rolls part II

I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to our DSC Lead, Anubhav for not only showing the students the right way but also for progressing DSC’s mission in the most prolific way possible. Thank you very much :) It would not have been possible without your efforts.

That is all I had to convey. Hopefully, all the students (who want to learn and help others learn as well) get to see the light of technology and use technology to empower people.

