Top 10 curated AI reads for December 2018

December, 2018

Enrique Herreros
4 min readDec 10, 2018


News about Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science (DS) and related advanced analytics areas.

Welcome to’s sixth post of the 10 curated AI reads monthly series. The objective of these series is to provide the audience with a curated list of the most interesting news, publishings and tools that our team have ran into during the previous month.

Computer Vision

1. DeOldify

A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images.

2. DeepCTR

DeepCTR is a Easy-to-use, modular and extendible package of deep-learning based Click-Through Rate models along with lots of core components layer which can be used to build your own custom model easily.

3. Retina U-Net

All-in-one 2D and 3D medical images semantic segmentation + object detection framework. Main idea is to fuse Retina Net one-stage detector with the U-Net architecture widely used for semantic segmentation in medical images.

4. Progressive Calibration Networks

Progressive Calibration Networks (PCN) is an accurate rotation-invariant face detector running at real-time speed on CPU, published in CVPR 2018.

5. Progressive Growing of GANs

Ideas is to train Generative Adversarial Networks starting from a low resolution, we add new layers that model increasingly fine details as training progresses. At we are testing this idea in our lab to create artificial pictures of food dishes

6. Applying Convolutional Neural Networks in the Google Pixel 3 camera software

Very cool explanation of how depth estimation powers the Portrait Mode on the Google Pixel 3. It uses a CNN written in TensorFlow, check it out!

Machine Learning

7. Glossary of Machine Learning terms

Glossary of Machine Learning terms. Pretty good idea, especially these days where new concepts keep growing like mushrooms. Still a lot to be added such as “euclidean distance”, “Region of Interest”, “upsampling”, “gaussian mixture model”, …

8. AI Related Announcements From Amazon’s AWS Re:Invent 2018

At, we have been keeping up with the latest news by Amazon at the Amazon Web Services largest event. Such official event is of great interest because it is the moment we can infer what are the things AWS is betting on, and therefor how they foresee the next year’s areas with potential. For us, the most relevant things were:

1. Larger GPU instances such as the P3dn = Deep Learning is the future

2. SageMaker large improvements + Amazon Elastic Inference = ML/AI on its way to get commoditized

3. Amazon SageMaker RL (Reinforcement Learning) = RL is not only for machines to overperform humans in videogames

4. AWS Training and Certification for Machine Learning = demand for DS still too far from offer

9. Awesome list of ML interpretability

One of those “awesome” lists. We love lists, you have probably noticed it, so here you have one with interesting resources to take into consideration when dealing with interpretability of ML models.

Natural Language Processing

10. Recent History of NLP

This first of 2 post series discusses major recent advances in NLP focusing on neural network-based methods. The second post will discuss open problems in NLP.

And this is it for what we found out to be interesting during November. At, we are always trying out the latest tools, experimenting with cutting edge algorithms and reading about the latest trends in every industry where data is generating unprecedented value.

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Enrique Herreros

Web3 and Data | Software Engineer at Electric Capital