Learning Flutter - The Best Resources

Tobi Obeck
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2018

This article lists the best video and textual tutorials for learning flutter. Official Docs and further useful resources are linked at the bottom of the page. Please let me know if you have found other resources that I should add into this article.

Video Series


Maximilian Schwarzmüller is a well received author of video courses on Udemy and has a lot of free tutorials on YouTube (mostly about web development). He has sold about 300.000 Udemy courses with an approximated rating of higher than 4.5 Stars. He recently released a 3 hour long introduction video on YouTube. The video contains the first two chapters of his new Flutter Udemy course.

The course features setting up your development environment for Mac and Windows. After learning the basics of Flutter, you are guided through the development of a whole app including the use of a REST API, a camera and embedding native iOS or Android code into your flutter app. The course has a length of 25 hours video and contains several exercises. If you want a detailed and easy to follow introduction to Flutter, this is the way to go.

Take the link in the video description of his introduction video on Youtube for an discounted price of about 10–15$.

Official Flutter Tutorials

The flutter developers themself created a video series that explains the fundamentals of flutter development.

Bram Vanbilsen

Bram has some short and easy to follow tutorials each on a separate subject. So pick out what interests you the most. In one of his videos he builds an whole quiz app in two hours. Most of the videos are accompanied by the source code on GitHub.

Lets Build That App

The channel Lets Build That App has an introductory video on Flutter. In his second video he is building an app that displays multiple YouTube playlist in a list. A playlist can be clicked so that the videos of the playlist are displayed on a new screen. The data like thumbnails, titles and links is received from a REST API. Concepts like asynchronous code, loading spinners and a simple navigation are covered.


The YouTube channel VoidRealms has a rather slow paced approach to Flutter development.


The YouTube channel Fluttery challenges himself to create a unique user interface in the short time frame of one video.

The Boring Flutter Development Show

A three part video series from the Google Developer channel. Two flutter engineers are developing an app from scratch. They are live coding this without prior preparations. Therefore, you might learn from the errors they run into. The consume the Hackernews API and display news titles as well as links to the articles in a list with collapsible items.

Flutter Playlist from Google Developers (YT Channel)

Text Tutorials

Official Resources


Layout Sheet Cheat Sheet

The Medium Blogger Tomek Polański created simple examples that explain how layout works in Flutter. The following widgets are covered: Row and Column, Stack, Expanded, ConstrainedBox, Container, SizedBox, SafeArea. As far as I can see it works similar to CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid.

General Flutter Widget Components

Material Design

There is a whole website that explains the Material Design Standard with a lot of examples. Every Material Component like Buttons, Cards and Tabsdebunked in an separate article. It contains do’s and don’ts as well.

Note that at the end of some pages an implementation section is featured. This allows to implement the component with ready to use code for Flutter, iOS, Android or as a Web Component. The button component is linked as an example.

Flutter Rocks (Blog)

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash



Tobi Obeck

Web developer with affinity to cross platform app development (especially Flutter). Interests in design, UI/UX and any interactive media.