Investing in Kava

The First Interledger Solutions Provider

Vanessa Pestritto
2 min readFeb 28, 2019


At Xpring we believe Interledger has the opportunity to be the open standard for moving value across blockchains. We believe the Internet of Value is achieved by enabling more blockchains and applications to integrate with Interledger and increasing the currencies available on the network. Xpring is actively supporting Interledger pioneers and happy to announce that we have invested in Kava.

Kava, the world’s first Interledger solutions provider, is working to integrate companies and blockchains with Interledger. The team has worked on open source plugins for the Bitcoin Lightning Network and Ethereum. These plugins enable BTC, ETH and XRP to be sent via the Interledger network. Kava services blockchains, wallets and exchanges to integrate with Interledger to enable cross chain transactions. Led by co-founders Scott Stuart, Brian Kerr, and Ruaridh O’Donnell, the team continues to explore formats to increase adoption of Interledger and will be announcing more projects soon.

As early adopters and pioneers on the protocol, Kava has worked to educate peers and the crypto community on the value of Interledger for their needs. They have led talks on Interledger and actively participate in the Interledger Forum.

To learn more about integrating to Interledger, contact Kava. If you are excited about the opportunity to work on the interoperability of blockchains, please reach out and apply to join the team.

For future announcements, follow Kava on twitter and telegram.



Vanessa Pestritto
Editor for

Director, xpring @ripple. Investing in blockchain and great teams. Investor@LatticeVC. Former @theNYAngels. Opinions are my own.