XRB WIRE : AR/VR/3D/Game/AI insights for decision makers- 39

ColdFace Interactive
XR Bound
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3 min readFeb 28, 2021

In this week’s edition

Big Picture: 3D Avatars, Metaverse & 3D Strategy

Big Problems: Discovers Virtual Solutions

Tech Startup: Eyejack

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3d Avatars, Metaverse & 3d Strategy

If you are the key decision maker in marketing, branding, fashion , product design, engineering, architecture, real estate etc then these questions need your immediate attention.

Do you know why 3D avatars will represent you & your brand in the virtual world.

Have you heard of the term Metaverse & the evolving nature of this parallel universe.

Are you aware that in the near future ‘Head of 3D Strategy or ‘3D Strategist’ will be a key position in your company or business.

Let me give you an example of the implications of one of these trends on the future of your business.

Let’s say you are a fashion label.

The day is not far when your go to market strategy will be 3D (digital, virtual ) FIRST. Your current process will soon be replaced with a faster & cost effective solution which uses digital design, 3D avatars & virtual clothing.

You team will use virtual tools to visualize, design, prototype & review in 3d. The need for a physical prototype may diminish. This means your business will see a massive decrease in the go to market time, cost & effort.

This is how real things have become, a fashion designers entire collection was displayed in a virtual 3d fashion show.

This trend also concerns Gen-Z and Millennials & their infatuation with maintaining their online reputation.

It has resulted in the advance of a ‘ Direct to Avatar’ model (some call it Metaverse & some call it a mindset ) where amongst other things, your 3D avatar becomes an extension of your real life in the virtual world & vice versa.

In short you have a virtual ‘ TWIN ’ & you have to take care of both them.

According to the futurist & Cathy Hackl, revenues from virtual worlds could approach 400 billion dollars by 2025.

Companies are creating new technologies so that your ‘Universal Virtual Identity’ is uniform & can seamlessly jump between different social platforms.

With this ready ecosystem it becomes so easy for a 3D first fashion label to test out some of their designs on the readily available ‘AVATARS’ of their target markets.

A big fashion label’s expensive clothes is a dream for most people in the physical world, but a digital high fashion ‘ SKIN ’ will become an extremely affordable luxury.

In turn fashion labels can generate an alternative stream of income apart from what they earn selling physical clothes to a niche clientele.

There is more good news,

Some of these creators are also optimistic that the growing adoption of virtual technologies may de-stress the demands on the physical environment & lead to larger benefits to humanity.

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Tech Startup

EyeJack is an Augmented Reality App and platform that specializes in the curation and distribution of augmented art.

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Big Problem & possible real world Solutions

Digital divide & the emerging role of immersive technology in education .

Car Navigation screens & AR : ‘ Is the addition of augmented reality to car navigation the latest in the unending arms race among upscale auto makers hoping to lure wealthy customers with ever fancier tech

Mixed Reality Training : Football we all know ‘The path to victory starts on the training field’, find out if immersive training make you a better player.

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Interesting Tweets

Can new Virtual Reality Tool Reduce Aviation Crashes.

VR jewelry & hands that adorn virtual gold.

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Hope you like this edition as much as we liked putting it together. Please give me your feedback & help me make this newsletter better. You can subscribe to it at no cost at the end of this page.

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Lately my team worked on a Virtual showroom for mobile devices project & I would love to get your views.

We develop AR/VR projects for clients, you can find my show reel here & let me know if I can help you with your project.



ColdFace Interactive
XR Bound

Ghostwriter I Course Creator I Content Strategy I Articles I Blogs- I talk about 3d-XR-Gen AI- Design- Games- Metaverse -Software & Tech. Let Me Write For You.