Add augmented reality to your website using Pixars usdz format for iOS

Matthew Attou
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2019

In June of 2018, Apple announced a new format, Universal Scene Description or usdz, that was developed by Pixar specially for 3D content delivery. Pixar refers to usdz files as packages, so I will be referring to them as packages for the rest of the article.


  1. macOS with xcode 10 or greater installed
  2. blender or any other 3D modeling tool that you can use to export an .obj file

Part 1 — Creating the usdz file

Once your obj file is exported you can use the following command in terminal to convert it to a usdz file:
xcrun usdz_converter cup.obj cup.usdz -v -a -l

After you execute the command you should now see two additional files in your folder:

  • cup_usd_converter_.usda
  • cup.usdz

You can preview the usdz file right inside of finder like so:

Notice that the model is not textured with our png file, cup_uvmap.png. Let’s open up the usda file with a text editor and see what’s going on. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you can see “cup_material” is an empty object.

We need to pass in the path to that texture (cup_uvmap.png) as an argument. Go back to the command line and run the following:
xcrun usdz_converter cup.obj cup.usdz -v -a -l -m /cup/Materials/cup_material -color_map cup_uvmap.png

Where cup is equal to the Xform def at the top of the file (see below):

Your usdz preview should now be textured properly when displayed in the preview:

So whats up with the z in usdz anyways!? It’s basically means that the package is a zip archive (zero compression, unencrypted). You can extract it just like a traditional zip file. Let’s take a peek inside.

  • cup.usdc: Apple’s current usdz implementation. The current implementation only allows for a single usdc file but that will change over time with future OS updates.
  • cup_uvmap.png: A simple png image that is used to texture the 3D model. In this case it’s a UV map.

Part 2 — Add the model to a webpage

This can be done with minimal code as seen below:

<a href=”/path_to_asset/cup.usdz” rel=”ar”>
<img src=”/path_to_asset/cup.jpeg”/>

Now when viewing the page on an iOS device running > iOS 12 you will see the AR icon in the top right corner of the image.

You can try it out for yourself at:

In summary

The usdz file format together with iOS 12 AR Quick Look make it super simple to add augmented reality to your existing website. I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new.

We would love to discuss your ideas with you! Drop us a line anytime with any questions, comments and feedback you might have. Happy creating!

About the author:

Matthew Attou is the founder of XR Design Studios in Detroit MI, working with entrepreneurs, startups and enterprises to bootstrap their ideas and bring them to reality. We are a collective team made up of designers, engineers and thinkers.

Reach out anytime to chat about how we can help you get your ideas off the ground.

