Bitcoin Rhodium Dev Log #2

3 min readJun 10, 2019


Privacy in the cryptocurrency space is broad and, as such, there is a lot of space to cover. However, there is always some things that can be easy to start on.

This morning, I decided to just setup a test with an ElectrumX Tor node. The setup itself is not a big deal. However, the project instead is not a development task, but, I think an educational one, for myself and others.

Why would this matter? For what I know, the only ElectrumX servers are ran by the developers. SPV (Simple Payment Verification) is great, you might not want server operators to see any IP or address details related to IP addresses. Any log information is just aggregated for performance evaluation. However, as we grow this coin, the network will grow and it is time for all of us to learn various privacy methods. This information is portable to other coins, particularly with Electrum.

If you want to give this a whirl, here are instructions. This is just for testnet now. The TOR service is at iusrubokllebltrd.onion on port 5300.

To setup:

  1. A TOR node is necessary to join the network. Bisq will create its own TOR node is necessary. If you don’t want to do that, you can download the Tor Browser, which is a Firefox browser setup for TOR specifically: After download, run the Tor Browser and keep it open.
  2. Run Electrum-BTR in testnet mode (Windows, you can edit a shortcut, and add — testnet to then end of the command, Linux: go to terminal and run electrum-btr --testnet) Set up a new wallet if necessary. You can get coins from
  3. Click on the Green indicator button on the bottom right to get network settings. Go to Proxy tab and select both options (Use Tor ... and Use Proxy ...)
  4. In the Server tab, uncheck "Select server automatically" and add in iusrubokllebltrd.onion for the Server and 53000 for the port. Click Close button.
  5. In a moment, you'll see the button on the bottom right turn blue. It means you are connected to the new Electrum Tor Node.

You will have to mine the chain if you want to send transactions as there is likely no miners on the testnet now. If there is no mining activity, you might want to review our mining guide for testnet.


Was this interesting/useful/completely wrong? Contact me on Discord:

If you want to donate to me for the work I am doing and also learn to use a privacy-preserving Bitcoin wallet that implements payment codes, then please send to my PayNym via Samourai: In Samourai, you send to my PayNym name instead of an address. Payment codes are something I’d like to have for the official XRC wallets.

If you want to donate XRC, here is my address: RYqvdpfv6K8J2G8fVcNXhgHW2iQsxUAs8N. Giving out a raw address is tempting me to look into payment codes, since this is a practical privacy measure (it would be harder for the public to relate an address to a person.)

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