Strong Hands Program’s FAQ

Get answers to most common questions regarding our program

Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2020


1. How do I participate in the program? Do I have to register somewhere?

To enroll in the program no specific actions need to be taken by the investors. No registration is required. An automatic snapshot of the individual balances will take place at the beginning and the end of every 3-month cycle (note that the closing snapshot for one cycle is also the opening snapshot for another cycle). All you have to do is to hold XRC in your own wallet between snapshots without any negative movements.

2. If I buy XRC today and hold it I will get dividends exactly in 3 months, right?

Well, not exactly. Program cycles have its own schedule. Usually it coincides with calendar quarters. So if you got XRC earlier you have to wait until the start of the next cycle to participate in the program.

3. What is the minimum amount of XRC I should hold to get dividends?

There is no minimum amount required. We do not discriminate anyone based on the size of their investment. Every holder gets same interest rate paid at the end of each cycle.

4. The program cycle has just ended but I didn’t get my dividends?

Please note that dividends are disbursed within a window of 2 weeks after the end of each cycle. Another reason you didn’t get your dividends is that you had an outgoing transaction during the cycle. Also after each cycle we publish a report and investors have a chance to check if all their addresses are included and send a feedback to the devs in case of a mistake.

5. Where does money for dividends come from? Are you issuing new coins to pay to holders?

The Strong Hands Program fund has fixed amount of coins and is covered by the 257,143 XRC (out of 840,000 XRC) unclaimed during the two initial airdrops back in early 2018 when xRhodium started as a free airdrop to Bitcoin holders.

6. How much will I earn?

There is no fixed rate for each cycle. Currently 16,072 XRC are being airdropped every 3 months so the final dividends rate depends on the total amount of all coins held by investors.

7. Can I hold my XRC on an exchange and participate in the program?

No. You have to store it in wallet where you have access to your private keys. Full list of wallets suitable for the program can be viewed on the official website.

8. How will I get my dividends? Do I have to provide my wallet address somewhere?

No. You don’t have to do anything. The process is fully automated and your reward will be transferred to the same qualified addresses where you hold your coins.

9. Can I move my funds after the opening snapshot happened and still get my dividends?

No. Any outgoing transaction even the tiniest one will automatically disqualify you from the program. Incoming transactions are safe and won’t affect your program status.

10. Can I deposit more XRC to my wallet after a snapshot to get more dividends?

You can freely add more XRC to your wallet but the reward payment will be based on the address’s initial balance on the time of an opening snapshot, regardless of whether any additional XRC were added to it. The XRC added to it, if any, does count for the following period’s initial value.

11. What if I send couple of XRC out of my wallet but will return it back next day, will I be still qualified for the rewards at the end of the current cycle?

No you won’t. For a given period, only addresses with no outgoing transactions will be rewarded.

12. I got XRC in my wallet after the snapshot was taken, can I still qualify for the dividends?

No you can’t qualify for the current cycle in that case. XRC should be in your wallet before the snapshot and have at least one confirmation on the blockchain. Otherwise you have to wait for the beginning of a next cycle. An address with zero balance on the date of a snapshot gets no dividends no matter what.

13. I don’t want to participate in the program any more, what actions should I take?

No action is required. You are in control of your wallet balance. No commitments.

14. For how long will the program last?

The program will run until all 257,143 XRC are distributed.

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