man carries Biden President 2020 flag | Gayatri Malhotra/Unsplash

Key Points from Biden’s Inaugural Address

President Biden Forms the Agenda for the Next Four Years



Biden’s inauguration speech on January 20 had one central message: unity.

“Bringing America together, uniting our people and uniting our nation”

was at the core of his campaign, and the rhetoric has continued into his presidency.

The 46th President asks “every American to join [him] in this cause” to fight against the many issues the country is currently facing: 400,000 dead from a pandemic and counting, racial justice, climate change, and political extremism — all of which were cited in his speech.

Restoration of Democracy

Biden opened his speech talking about how his victory was not “of a candidate,” rather “of a cause — the cause of democracy.”

Following the attack on the Capitol two weeks earlier, Biden aims to restore democracy to the nation. Citing the many wars and hardships the country has been through, he believes that “democracy will prevail” once more.

Moving On from the Trump Administration

Although Biden did not mention his predecessor by name, it is clear that he wishes to move on from the culture created by Trump. Biden envisions his presidency to be one where

“…every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war.”

The former Senator has also placed emphasis on pursuing the truth and defeating the lies. In his address, he insisted that the country must reject a

“culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.”

Written by Ian Teo

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