What Is the “Double Mutant” COVID-19 Variant Found in India

And How Serious Is It?

XS News
XS News
2 min readMar 31, 2021


“SWAB TEST. Patient and medical supervisor preparing for a COVID-19 nasal swab test. Image created by Russell Tate. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives — help stop the spread of COVID-19.” | cropped United Nations COVID-19 Response/Unsplash

By Mariana Ortiz

A few days ago, a new “double mutant” strain of COVID-19, which combines the L452R and E484Q mutations, was discovered in India. The country has recently seen another wave of cases, which now puts it in third place behind the US and Brazil for highest number of total cases.

However, Indian officials have stated that this variation is unlikely to be linked to the spike in cases.

What Does “Double Mutant” Mean?

Mutations are common when a virus replicates itself. A double mutation is when two variants of a virus come together. Although some mutations can change the virus’ spreadability or lethality, they are not rare.

Researchers say that a double mutation of COVID-19 could possibly make the virus more infectious, which may impair herd immunity. Additionally, re-infections are possible but mild.

Cause for Concern?

Ramanan Laxminarayan, the founder of the Indian Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy, stated,

“Is there a reason to be worried about this particular variant? Not as yet because we have no evidence that these variants are more transmissible or more lethal than what we already have”.

Data is still being collected and analysed. Indian health officials also mentioned that vaccines have been effectual against other COVID-19 variants, first discovered in Brazil and the UK.

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