Three Features You Will Love xTiles For

Lesia Dubenko
Published in
5 min readSep 30, 2021

They are nothing like you have seen before. It is a promise.

xTiles is a faster and neater way of sharing documents than Google Docs

In our previous articles, we threw light on xTiles’ values and team. Now, it is time to get down to business and talk about the product’s features

With so many tools in the market, you are probably wondering what sets xTiles apart from the others. Both the classic editors such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs and mainstream productivity tools like Notion and Miro have plenty to offer. Yet, xTiles has created features that are unique in terms of their functionality and design.

Drawing on our values of simplicity, visualization, and consensus, we have worked hard on developing features that would be meaningful to every user, regardless of the background or line of work. Whether you are a copywriter, translator, a marketing guru or a manager, the tool offers you a unique way of organizing and sharing information.

It is a faster, neater, and clearer way of jotting down thoughts, creating documents, and sharing them with others.

Let’s take a closer look at these features, and what they mean for you.

Customizable cards

At the heart of xTiles is the concept of customizable cards. They serve as a basic unit of thought and organization, and they are nothing like you have seen in other productivity tools.

First off, they are not static or template-like. On the contrary, they are customizable and easy to draw. All you need to do is click on the mousepad and create one.

It is satisfyingly easy to create your own card: You are the one drawing it, shaping, and re-shaping it while moving it around the canvas.

Once you are done with the drawing, start filling the information in. Notes, ideas, links, pictures, random thoughts, medium-sized and even long texts — your imagination is the only frontier. The cards can be expanded, shrunk, and moved around whimsically. You are the one deciding what to do, and which information to fill in.

Since cards have a built-in drag-and-drop feature — you are free to transfer text and images from one card to another — you do not have to worry about writing down things in the wrong card. It is totally up to you how you draw and compose the cards on your screen. There is no such thing as making a mistake. Consider it an error-free zone: you simply cannot get things wrong.

It only takes one click to create an xTiles card that works for you

Customizable cards bring plenty of versatility to the table. They are perfect for jotting down notes, both personal and group ones (meeting notes, brainstorming sessions, etc), presentations, categorization, and other, more unusual, use cases. For example, if you struggle with tables and messy formatting in Word and Google Docs, then you will definitely appreciate how easy it is to make a comparative table in xTiles to cross-check two types of texts simultaneously. A real time- and patience-saver for translators, editors and the likes.

There is another reason why cards play a key role in the product’s design. Unlike other formats, they work equally well for all types of devices: laptops, tablets, and phones. And this matters since we are launching a mobile app soon.

Just imagine how much easier it will be to share information with your peers and colleagues using neatly organized cards, not the documents that you need to zoom in and out on your phone (ouch, we know!)

Organized canvas

There are many canvas-based products out there, yet few of them offer the best of the both worlds: a space that is both an impeccably structured and visual. xTiles has been determined to change that since we know how much visualization and structure mean to the users.

Just imagine: a 50 pages long Google Doc document miraculously turns into a neat, visual, interconnected document that is easy to read. Can you feel how satisfying it is?

To organize the space without compromising visuality, we developed two game-changing sub-features: deep-dive and sub-pages.

Deep-dive is a focus-oriented sub-feature. Whether you are using xTiles for personal or collaborative projects, the main idea is that you get to handpick what to consume within a document without distraction. The cards are easily expanded and shrunk, enabling you to remain in the big picture mode at all times.

Meanwhile, sub-pages serve as a perfect solution to preclude the canvas from turning into a messy beast of unaligned text or cells. Each piece of information that you write down in your cards can be hyperlinked to a dedicated sub-page that will be part of that document. Figuratively speaking, it is like opening a drawer within a drawer with all information located in one place.

How cool is that?

Astonishingly easy onboarding

Most productivity tools are still too complex even for the tech-savvy. They might seem easy and intuitive. But are they really that? Users keep reporting that it takes weeks, or longer, to tame the tools and teach others do the same.

xTiles is revolutionary in this respect: It takes 5–10 minutes to understand how to use the product’s functionality to the max.

Our team has made it possible by focusing on functionality and cohesiveness rather than bells and whistles that are either seldom used or shelved for infinity, circumventing the 80/20 rule (80 percent of customers only use 20 percent of the features in the purchased software).

xTiles is clear-cut to the bone. It will take you several minutes to tame it

Just think about it: When was the last time you used all those umpteen add-ons that tools offer? Did you even know about them?

An xTiles user does not need to answer these questions. Our goal was to develop a set of features that individuals and teams use daily. Thanks to them the tool does not take ages to load on your laptop or another century to be shared on the screen during calls. Instead, it works at lightning speed.

Combined, these three features are a breath of fresh air. They allow you to focus on what you are doing, share neat, organized and visual documents, understand each other better, and reach a consensus faster than ever before.

Why not try it right away? For free? Follow the link.

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Lesia Dubenko
Writer for

Analyst/fundraiser/curious cat. Msc European Affairs (Lund University). Authored and co-authored successful project proposals worth $200K. Love to write.