Bring It On: 2021!

Ducorp XTM
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2021

2020 was a year with unprecedented challenges for everyone. There were brief moments of respite from one type of adversity before another presented itself.

Thankfully the human race is a resilient one, and the last year has proven that more than ever.

When we were asked to stay in our homes to protect ourselves and others from the effects of COVID-19, we did so and found various ways to entertain ourselves.

Some businesses didn’t survive this transition, while others were able to adjust and adapt, with Ducorp XTM being the latter. This ability to evolve was thanks in part to our founders’ vision and the exemplary teamwork and commitment from our staff, both in-office and remote-based around the world.

We had regular virtual meetings to check in with our teams and ensure that everyone stayed safe and sane during isolations and shelter-in-place initiatives. To boost team morale and lighten the pandemic’s otherwise ominous mood, we made fun videos. Our team also gave input on their visions for the company in their various roles as we moved from our Arcadia to Nebula stage of development.

We embraced the opportunity to pivot and reorganize our long-term goals and vision while supporting current clients and attracting new ones. Milestones were achieved while some projects were shelved, but one thing that endured was our resolve to see the year through and emerge an even stronger entity than when we started in early 2020.

Here at the beginning of 2021, during an interview with CEO James Duchenne, he extolls which virtues differentiate Ducorp XTM from other seed-stage venture capital firms.

“With a focus on the technology sector in emerging markets and running multiple divisions such as General Partner Services, which manages various investments, there is also a VC Platform service that assists the seed-stage ventures in achieving quick commercialization and growth.

Support is offered in terms of media production, written content, social media management, brand identity evolution, accounting, marketing, and advertising solutions.”

Additionally, XTM HQ, a subdivision of Ducorp XTM, was created as a business incubator to provide capital to new businesses that have proven their viability and need reliable organizational guidance to realize their full potential.

Our FinTech initiative also offers clients unparalleled transparency in the creative process for their products and services backed by expert teams in their respective fields. This allows for real-time collaboration and input from the client with consistent support and value maximization.

With core values of ‘We Grow, We Share, We Act,’ Ducorp XTM chooses to focus on emerging businesses that other companies may be hesitant to invest in.

We want authentic innovators who challenge the status quo and disrupt the establishment.

Choosing to work with these companies has an immensely positive impact on Mauritius. It also adds value to economies by introducing entrepreneurs whose creativity may not have otherwise received exposure nor the foundation to develop and grow.

Leaving a legacy based on truth is at the crux of what we believe in, and Ducorp XTM will always embrace and appreciate authenticity in business.

So despite whatever new challenges may be in store for us this year, we say, “Bring it on 2021!”

By Nadine A. Jack (XTM; 2021)



Ducorp XTM
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Seed-Stage VC targeting the technology sector in emerging markets. We unearth disruptors in hard-to-reach places and channel their work, anywhere.