Bye Atlas, Hello Trident!

Ducorp XTM
Published in
5 min readJul 6, 2019
Trident: Focusing on Venture Building and Efficiency Around Academy and Media.

Our Atlas stage lasted approximately two months. It followed Geronimo, which had a predominant focus to set up our business, identify our vision, and possible paths to get there. In Atlas, we spent our time finalizing our identity, producing content around people coaching, and media efforts, refining our communication processes, connecting with an audience, reinforcing our work processes, laying the groundwork for ventures, and creating a solid foundation.

Second Stage: Atlas

1 Business

1.01 Business Iteration to Academy, Media, and Venture Studio.

1.02 Weekly Coaching Session and Q&As.

1.03 Release of the XTM Academy guidance and course material.

1.04 Creation of listing the personal path and progress of our staff members.

1.05 Finalization of Business Processes and Training Manuals, including employee tests and follow-ups.

1.06 Recruitment of various capabilities, including project management, content production, illustration, etc.

1.07 Reorganization of the usage of company tools (Slack, Trello, Email, Gdrive, 1password, Bluehost, Digital Ocean & more).

1.08 Preliminary work on the Venture Studio and business plan. Creation of addressing our initial vision of ventures we’re considering. These proposals may change in the future.

1.09 Identification and development of 3 ventures for the first part of Trident: Blockchain Networking Group, HustleMania, JFCFORXTM (clothing line), followed by Shoppers Club, Satoshi’s Lounge, FindRate, etc.

1.10 Identification and analysis of Target Audiences.

1.11 Renovations of XTM Head Quarters in MRU. We moved in on the last day of Atlas, 4 July 2019 (exactly 4 months after we were born).

This place reflects our Street & Hip Hop corporate culture
James at the guerilla style news desk!

1.12 Put in place scheduling for Academy and Media and determination of process. This allows the team to work efficiently in the Venture stage.

1.14 Laboring to get Internet Banking (IB)set up because our director has another IB set up with another company. One login will give access to two unrelated companies! #facepalm

1.15 Business insurance and health insurance adjustments.

1.16 Merging Blockchain Meetup, EAM.VC into HustleMania. Making Satoshi’s Lounge frame useful in the white label scenario.

1.17 Purchasing all equipment for media, academy, and ventures.

2. Legal

2.01 Completion of all contractual agreements for Ducorp, XTM, DX Team (USA), as well as a refinement for all other relevant ventures.

2.02 Change of name from DX Team Ltd to XTM Ltd and associated updates.

2.03 Obtaining Trademarks for Ducorp, XTM, Satoshi’s Lounge. Because our F*** Fake Brand uses our XTM logo, no one will be able to use it in its contemplated form.

2.04 Day to day compliance matters for the new office — CEB, CWA, MYT, DBM to name a few.

2.05 Assignment of Intellectual Property for all staff in relation to the public release of videos taped by XTM.

2.06 All terms and conditions for digital engagement, including Hustlemania.

3. Finance

3.01 Implementation of the financial process for the company (invoicing, receipts, payments, reconciliations etc).

3.02 Utilization of Xero and Monthly Management Accounts.

3.03 Regular cadence meetings.

3.04 Preparations of Budget and CashFlow Statement. We’re big on Cashflow, and profitability takes second fiddle.

4. Marketing

4.01 Refreshing of all websites;, XTM, XTM+, XTM Academy, XTM Ventures. Ensuring all sites describe our identity and are searchable.

4.02 Refreshing all brand guidelines including for ventures.

4.03 Producing documentation, including the Ducorp World Book, the Comma Book (available as a paperback on Amazon), Academy Book, Shoppers Club design, and much more.

4.04 Beginning and sustaining the activities on digital media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Medium, Youtube, Medium, Soundcloud, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Amazon).

We have a rule — we can’t incentivize people to follow or like us (so, no telling friends and families to like the page, no inviting people to follow us). It has to be raw from people being interested and making the effort to follow us. We do not care about how many followers or likes we have, but whether we’re adding value to others and how many times we’re being seen.

4.05 Set up structure and cadence of release for video, audio, written. We split the content production into two teams — content production and content distribution. In Trident, we will up our content release.

4.06 Market analysis and retargeting. Several trials were made with good to average results in MRU, USA, Asia.

4.07 Communication strategy around all elements of our ventures.

4.08 Engage videographer, illustrator, head of content.

4.09 Achieving over 100k+ views with XTM+ production, Maitre De Poonith.

4.10 Getting Ducorp to #1 on Google Search (ahead of a decade old company called Ducorp Group).

4.11 Release of audiobooks, MDP jingle, Fuschia Telephone, Bedtime Stories with Legislation.

4.12 Producing marketing material such as signage, business cards, T-shirts (under the F*ck Fake brand — JFCFORXTM), stickers and much more.

5. Technology

5.01 Completed the complete redesign of mobile-first Ducorp, XTM, XTM+, XTM Academy, XTM Ventures sites.

5.02 Prototype of Shoppers Club. Designing the roadmap of introduction for our technology together with the timelines.

5.03 Completing Hustlemania Application. Testing and release.

5.04 Setting up the environment, doing the user flow for Satoshi’s Lounge MVP. The software will replicate as an exclusive club for clients.

5.05 On-board other software tools such as Digital Ocean, and Zoho. Getting signed up with IOS and Android App Stores to ready ourselves to release ventures.

5.06 Setting up an internal network at the new office.

Our staff’s articles update you on their experience in delivering on the above.

Current Stage: Trident

In a nutshell, Trident is geared towards getting first revenue from our ventures, completing all MVPs (minimum viable products) and ensuring our Academy and Media divisions (our foundation)work efficiently.

Fourth Stage: Arcadia

Details will be released at the end of Trident.

XTM; 2019.



Ducorp XTM
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Seed-Stage VC targeting the technology sector in emerging markets. We unearth disruptors in hard-to-reach places and channel their work, anywhere.