Ducorp XTM Academy

Ducorp XTM
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2019

The first focus of our business is its people. We created an academy, not an HR department. We don’t put people in departmental boxes. We have no box.

Our academy is not focused on skills, but self-development.

We believe that living the truth and expressing that truth is what leads to happiness. Having the best people happily performing at their best creates a robust business and culture.

We seek people who know themselves and whose beliefs (why they do what they do) align with ours. People who communicate and perform in a manner that adds value to the lives of others. It is not a matter of having latent skills but expressing your talent to be of service.

Our academy process is what enables us to have a team whose energy is focused in the right direction, hence reducing time wastage and politicking. Time is our most valuable asset, and it is best spent on being happy and prosperous.

Or view it here.

XTM; 2019.



Ducorp XTM
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