Ducorp Trident Phase

Ducorp XTM
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2019

Ducorp XTM has so far been through three stages of its development as a company. We can picture these phases as the stages in the life of a plant.

The first stage, called the Geronimo phase, was all about setting up the company, carrying out the registration, recruitment, drafting and signing of contracts and confidentiality agreements, creation of visual identity and website, and web addresses. It corresponded to the company setting its roots.

The second stage was the Atlas phase. That was when the company started interacting with the world on a trial basis to get feedback, review and strengthen its business model, its products, and processes. It corresponded to the company growing its trunk and developing its leaves and branches.

The third phase, the Trident phase, has been the most intense and exciting as the company enters into the battlefield to launch its ventures and compete for its fight for survival. It corresponded to the company starting to bear fruit.

The Trident phase started with Ducorp moving offices to a new building with its own stage, audio studio, and video facilities to support its media company. Like a plant that has grown in a pot, it required care to transplant it to an orchard for it to have space for growth.

The first fruit of this venture was the launch of the original game show Hustlemania that saw some highly competed bouts of bidding among participants. The success of this venture gave the possibility to make contact with clients with the view to launch Hustlemania as a commercial venture.

In the meantime, the first line of clothing, JFCFORXTM, has also been launched and been on sale. Ducorp’s first book, called Comma, published on Amazon, also arrived for distribution and book signing. A second book Tizistwar Nou Pays, will soon be launched at the national level after Ducorp designed its pre-order website.

The Ducorp stage served as a platform for coaching sessions that have been ongoing weekly through Ducorp Training Academy.

Concerning the work process, a conveyor system has been implemented to define and engage every team member in a specific role. This conveyor enables the delivery of services in a fast and organized manner.

One of the most significant events in the life of Ducorp in the Trident phase has, however, been the creation of XTM Mirror, our Digital Brand Communication, and Media Company. Contacts have been established with several clients to provide digital communication services that align with our times.

The company now gets ready for the closing stage of the Trident phase and is about into the Arcadia phase. The first fruits born during the Trident Phase now need to grow and ripen and pass through standard checks before they are ready for harvest.

XTM Mirror ; 2019



Ducorp XTM
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