Looking Back at Arcadia. Up next: Nebula!

Ducorp XTM
Published in
5 min readMay 12, 2020
Design by Shubham Hanuman — 12 May 2020.

As a recap, at Ducorp XTM, we document our journey and the evolution of our business. We have gone through four stages so far, our beginnings with Geronimo, then Atlas, Trident, and Arcadia. Each one of these stages was assigned specific goals to accomplish.

Below is a reflection of some of our team members:

Suyash Sumaroo, Software Engineer | Atlas-Present (Mauritius)

“The Arcadia stage was a very interesting and challenging stage where a lot of the focus was getting the right product for the intended market. It was mostly about refining or fine-tuning ongoing projects and applications to cater to the market it was intended to. Of particular interest were Hustlemania and the subtle changes it required based on previous feedback that we gathered during our previous shows.

In the middle of this stage, the COVID-19 situation offered some unexpected opportunities which needed to be catered for. This allowed for a more flexible approach to the current market demands and pivoting slightly to tap into these new opportunities. The Arcadia stage laid the groundwork and discipline required for more serious work ahead in terms of attending to the market requirements and offering our expertise in terms of online services.”

Tino Mangwendeza, Videographer | Arcadia-Present (Mozambique)

“My journey with Ducorp XTM began in Arcadia. I was used to a different, very rigid type of work culture that evaporated once I began working with our talented team members. The most interesting part was the Content Conveyor we refined and that provided a unique system of processing content that was clear and concise.

It left little ambiguity as to who was working on what and gave an excellent overview of the live status of multiple content production segments.

This is not to say there were no challenges. Learning a new way to process real stories in a manner that is not fake or manufactured was the biggest curveball due to my previous exposure to corporate clients.

The directive to make the content as real as possible was a breath of fresh air and allowed me to view it in a much different light. This comes with its own complications as I discovered while working on Musos Unplugged and some artists decided to make their own editorial decisions. In the end, it all worked out and we completed the task.

I am looking forward to the next phase, not only because it has a cool name (Nebula) but also seeing how much farther I can stretch my skills and what fresh challenges are waiting to be overcome.”

Lucy Johnson, Administrator | Arcadia-Present (Kenya)

“Throughout the Arcadia stage, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the best people around. Surprisingly, with everyone working remotely and myself working from Nairobi, Kenya, we’ve still made great strides and growth in trusted relationships.

Working with everyone at Ducorp XTM has been great! Everyone is helpful and easy to work with; thus, everything flows efficiently.

Every week I get to work on a new project, and when I’m lucky, I get to embrace the challenge of working on two different projects with the same end-of-week due date.

All of the projects are truly unique and exciting. I’ve always loved learning something new, and here, we never run out of new things to try!

One interesting thing I collaborated on was the coordination, testing, and gap analysis of all of the websites with the new messaging and that of FindRate. The latter was challenging. Let us know what you think of the end results by visiting our directory of past works by clicking here.

Another thing I love about this company and our team is the passion and hard work everyone puts into everything we do. This is just the best place to be, and I look forward to all the new things the Nebula stage will bring!

Shahzana Hossenbokus, Front-End Dev| Geronimo-Present (Mauritius)

“The Arcadia Phase was the most challenging one. For that new phase we, at Ducorp XTM, changed our business model. This meant that the design of all websites would change. Some changed completely and others were just adding some details in the existing design.

Both changes took time and had to be implemented with care. In addition, we introduced 2 new websites, XTMhq and XTMmirror. This took a lot of work and the last weeks have been really hectic in terms of updates and content display.

However, for 2 months we are all confined to our houses because of the Corona Virus. This virus shut down mostly everything on our little island and around the world. It is a very stressful environment.

And I think and hope once in a lifetime. Our lifestyles were disrupted and we are all trying to adjust to the new situation. But one thing we actually learned is that we could still be productive working from home.

With the Zoom meetings, we would set up some kind of team spirit and would meet 3 times a week. This specific situation really helped us a lot to find ourselves and to question ourselves to be better.

On a personal note, this was a very weird experience.

To be able to balance the personal life and professional life was a bit of a challenge. But fortunately, I knew where to draw the line.

Gradually all of the situations around the world are becoming normal and many countries are releasing their confinement, and I hope that slowly all will be as normal as it was and we will be allowed outside again. One of the things I miss is the office and my colleagues and I hope I see them soon.”

Benito Elisa, CEO of Wakanda 4.0 | Geronimo-Present (Mauritius)

“Patience has been one of the keywords for XTM. Much time has been spent on building the foundation and getting the business model and process right. The XTM Team Members have been really working hard during this stage. Hats Off Guys!

As the founder of Wakanda 4.0, the first company to have joined the XTM incubator, XTM HQ, I am very impressed and proud of what has been achieved. Helping power the marketing side is, XTM Mirror, a modern Marketing Factory that can operate 24/24 with its local and International Team members.

Wakanda 4.0, acting today de facto as the sales and business development arm of XTM, feels safe, motivated, and confident by being backed by such a dynamic Team. The future is looking really exciting at XTM HQ.

Nebula stage…..here we come!”

XTM; 2020.



Ducorp XTM
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