Lucy — My Story

Ducorp XTM
Published in
1 min readMar 23, 2020

Now, this is the kind of story that starts with “once upon a time.”

So, once upon a time, there was a little girl who wanted to be a pilot.

I wanted to fly, see the world, and I still do, but not as a pilot.

As I grew older, I wanted to work on ships; then, at some point, I wanted to be a biologist and then a Paleontologist.

I knew that I could be anything, and luckily I had two people who believed in me.

I grew up, chose a path — or I thought I did — but every day, I want to learn something new.

I promised myself that I’d study course after course until I couldn’t learn anymore if that’s possible.

Every girl has a dream, but I realized that you don’t have to have just one dream. You can have as many as you like, and all are attainable.

You only need concentration, someone to believe in you, and lastly, to believe in yourself.

XTM; 2020.



Ducorp XTM
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