Migs: The making of

Ducorp XTM
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2019

Michal Szymanski, Migs, is presently the CEO at Mauritius Africa Fintech Hub. He started his career in South Africa peeling potatoes for a retailer. That was during his school days, trying to make extra cash for university.

In those days, his parents’ dream was for him to become a Chartered Accountant. He did as they expected and went to university but felt he never belonged there. While he liked engaging with people from different cultures and backgrounds, he felt he never fit in an environment where everything revolved around a clear career focus. He didn’t like the fact that everyone was expected to act in a particular manner, failing which they got labeled as having some condition like ADHD and others.

At home, Migs always felt like an outsider and the rebel who often broke the rules and even had a dedicated cane that his mother reserved for punishing him. His rebellious nature eventually brought him to leave university before completing his degree. He decided to start coaching cricket to small children because of his passion for the sport.

Nothing much happened during the games and was left standing there for several hours waiting to see a kid the get ball only twice in four hours. He nevertheless loved what he was doing and learned the virtue of patience, even as he got introduced to the world of teaching. Teaching is what compelled him to complete his Bachelor in Education and went on to teach for 5 1/2 years.

He was still on a quest to find his truth, and what he learned during his teaching years is that there is nothing a child can’t do if he loves something.

XTM; 2019.



Ducorp XTM
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