Mr. Victor

Ducorp XTM
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2019

Hello. My name is Victor Chidi Odogwu and I’m Nigerian. I was born into a family of four and yeah, I’m the first son amongst my sibling’s, but not the first child. I have an older sister who happens to also be the only daughter.

Who I Am

I’m a very reserved person, but very friendly. I’m always happy, even when things seem not to go well as planned.

I’m my biggest adviser, and this, I believe, has taken me to a great point in my life.

My motto for life is simple:

“It’s a free world. Everyone has a life flight time, so relax. When it is your set time to shine, you will definitely shine by not being in competition with anyone.”

I consider myself as a simple guy who loves simple things. In other words, I hate attention!

Investing a little of my knowledge in people is my delight.

I come from a background where both of my parents were always busy at work, which made me figure out so many things on my own. Shout out and thanks to my aunt who nurtured and groomed me and my siblings while growing up while my parents were so busy.

I love to motivate young people to become better versions of themselves and teaching them that embracing hard/smart work as not just a hobby or a routine, but as a lifestyle. By doing this, I know I’m having an impacting on people.

I believe his or her success is my success as well.

I also believe that you can’t say you’re successful if you can’t remake yourself in someone else.

So yeah, this is who I am!

Educational Background

I left home at 17 to further my education abroad. I was admitted into Sunway University in Malaysia to study Electrical Electronics Engineering. I had to start with a program called (ADTP) American Degree Transfer Program. Due to the high marking scheme of the American education system, I got fed up because I was struggling to gain a high grade. So, I left for the U.K. in 2013.

In the UK, I had to start from the foundation year and I ended up passing, which qualified me to begin the program to earn a Bachelors in Electrical Electronics Engineering and…this was the beginning of my nightmare in the academic world.

I was not properly advised on the course and was not guided on what I was getting myself into. Although in hindsight, I blame myself because there was a career adviser for fresh students and fresh graduates available to me, I failed to take advantage of it, which led to me failing the course again due to a high influx of maths and physics, which I was not good in!

Yes, before you ask…my parents were sad, but irrespective of the outcome, they supported me again and gave me an opportunity to prove myself.

So, I went back to Nigeria and enrolled for a professional diploma in Information Technology at NIIT which lasted two years.

During this time, I fell in love with IT and became more interested in the networking aspect, where I had to fully concentrate on system administration.

I can happily say that I became good at it!

So, I finished the diploma with a distinction that automatically qualified me into the final year of any British university that was affiliated with the institution. So, I thought about Middlesex University Mauritius.


Because I was thinking of my parents.

I wanted to save them money because I could still gain the same quality of British education here in Mauritius and go home with a British degree, which was the highlight for me.

The Real World

After concluding my professional diploma, I was given an opportunity as an IT/security intern for Robert Bosch Nigeria.


I couldn’t believe my eyes until I was signing the contract letter with them. This was a huge opportunity for me as I had to gain practical experience in an IT help desk and system configuration. I went as far as being sent on a trip to Ghana for an installation in their branch office. There, I learned how to work under pressure on a tight deadline.

I then took a temporary role as their facility manager proxy, which gave me an in-depth understanding of asset management and project management. I also did a little bit of administration. I was also among the team responsible for the office relocation project where I had to deal with different vendors and a proper project management schedule.

With this, I can boldly say I’m a good team player.

Life for me has been upward and forward only when I made the decision to follow my passion and seek good counsel. I have developed the habit of paying vital attention to details and asking lots of reasonable questions that benefit my career, life, and any organization I find myself in. I’m open to more ideas, mentorship, and challenges because they all build a strong productive personality.

Where Am I Now?

So currently, I’m a student of Middlesex University Mauritius, in my final year studying Information Technology and Business Information Systems. My graduation is in sight because I have less than three weeks to get this phase of my life done and over with!


This makes me super happy (if you can’t tell already)!!

I came across Ducorp X Team at the beginning of April 2019, where I had the opportunity to meet James, the CEO. I told him I wanted mentorship as well an opportunity to join his team. Having a managed few projects and an opportunity to work for a multinational company, trying something new wasn’t a bad venture. I knew I was in the right place because Ducorp gives me the freedom to develop my skills and the ability to drive my passion for success.

What Do I Do For Ducorp X Team?

I’m responsible for the social data analysis of the company and I source the right working clients and aspiring clients for the company.

In conclusion, all of the failures, successes, and achievements I have experienced have helped me become better in my life and career. I was constantly looking for knowledge and researching current trends that would benefit my journey to success.

I’ll leave you with some of my other favorite quotes:

“Failure to plan is planning to fail.”

“Whatever you do, let knowledge control you.”

“Strive to be better at everything.”

“Time is an asset, don’t waste it.”

XTM; 2019.

First posted in X-Team Academy.



Ducorp XTM
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