Website Version: 3.0 Trident Stage

Ducorp XTM
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2019

On the development side, the Trident Stage has been very challenging. Below are the developments which took place.

1. Re-structuring the websites of Ducorp.

This includes Ducorp Website, XTM Website, XTM Media Website, XTM People Website, and XTM Businesses Website.

At Ducorp we believe in mobile-first websites. The development consisted of structuring the website with a scrollable strip which would reflect the mobile version of the website. The websites are available in the photo below:

2. Introducing XTM Mirror

In the Trident stage we introduced a new service at Ducorp XTM. We designed and set up the website as well as the mobile app.

The Mirror App has been quite a challenge. The interface is a simple one but the backend is quite bulky. At the beginning of the stage, it was only an idea and at the end of the stage, we already have the app on the App Store and Play Store to be downloaded.

3. Re-structuring other websites.

As we believe in mobile-first websites. The development consisted of structuring the website with a scrollable strip which would reflect the mobile version of the website. It consisted of the Ducorp websites but also the other websites related to Ducorp. They include Shoppers Club, Hustlemania and Satoshi’s Lounge. The websites are available in the photo below:

4. FindRate and the bug issue

FindRate is one of the biggest websites we worked on. It is a WordPress website and consisted of content entry more than a change in design and structure.

At first, we had a lot of issues when it was hosted on Bluehost. The website loading time was slow and it was an issue to input content. We had functionality issues wit the theme and had to ask for support several times.

On top of that our server was suspended because of a malware found in one of the plugins of the website. We had to clean everything up and re-upload every website we have one by one. It took around 4 days to do that and all of our websites were down.

After uploading all of the websites, we realized that FindRate had to be set up afresh. It was difficult and hard to redo everything anew. But after 1 week the website was up and running. It was hosted on another server and it was responding faster.

As a conclusion for what we face id that we should always have a backup server to host all websites when on.e server is down. This has been an interesting experience but not a welcomed one.

XTM Mirror; 2019



Ducorp XTM
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