XTM+ Online

Ducorp XTM
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2019

We understand that people live in different channels online. Our purpose is to add value to others when sharing content. As we’re publishing more and more content on different platforms, it is hard for others to get a sense of order when following our journey.

For this reason, we created XTM+, a web application made for mobile. This is being released on Friday 1 June 2019. Below we have the mockups of what the site will look like (mockups are not a perfect representation, but we wanted to show you nevertheless).

Four Types of Content: Video, Photo, Written, Audio
Sections Are Ordered So You Can Follow Content You Like Across All Channels
Our Footer

Below is a document on how we structured ourselves in this process.

  • Landing Page
  • Sections


Bite size reality content to fill the cracks in your busy day. Each content limited to 10 minutes. Spotlighting the best of the week.


Featuring content for in the global context we live in. Languages vary, see content.


Content to make you feel life. We’re human, it’s ok to laugh, cry and love.


Learn from real stuff. No fantasies.


Sharing experiences to add depth to your life.


Follow people around while they build and hustle.


We love to share things people do for us and what we to add value to others.


People are getting busier today. You hang out on your mobile to fill in the cracks in your day. We’re here with you when you need us.

F*** Fake.

Social Channels


Ducorp & XTM


The Content Catalogue

  • Maitre De Poonith (international — video, Photo)
  • HustleMania (International, Entertainment — Video)
  • Building Ducorp (Reality — Video, Photo, Audio, Written)
  • On The Road (Docuseries, International — Video, Photo, Written)
  • Interesting People (Interviews — Video, Written, Audio)
  • The Huddle (Interviews, International Video, Written, Audio; Gratitude: The Huddle)
  • Something Loved — (Gratitude, International — Video, Photo, Written, Audio)

Maitre De Poonith

A reality TV show for the mobile generation of Mauritian Lawyer, Kush Poonith. He takes us in every week to share some of the things that are on his mind. Made for the Mauritian Market. Released April 2019; Weekly every Friday Mauritius Time.

With: Kush Poonith, XTM

Language: Creole, French

For: Mauritian Audience

Produced by XTM; © 2019.

Distribution: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube


A live show that puts people’s salesmanship on display. Audiences learn about how to transact with blockchain tokens and how markets form.

With: James Duchenne, Kush Poonith, Migs Szymanski; Frisco D’Anconia, Benito Elisa, Suyash Somaroo, XTM

Language: English, French

For: Global Audience

Produced by XTM; © 2019.

Distribution: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube.

Building Ducorp

Follow XTM on their way to create experiences, brands, products and businesses.

With: XTM

Produced by XTM; © 2019.

Language: English

For: Global Audience

Distribution: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, SnapChat, Tik Tok, Medium

Interesting People

We get to meet interesting people in all walks of life. Here’s our interviews with them or their interviews with others.

With: Guests, XTM

Language: English

For: Global Audience

Produced by XTM; © 2019.

Distribution: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Sound Cloud

The Huddle

Every Friday we have a roundup with people that want to share their experiences in building businesses. See the other side of being a professional and building businesses. Get tips for your own path.

With: James Duchenne, Guests, XTM

Language: English

For: Global Audience

Produced by XTM; © 2019.

Distribution: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Soundcloud, Medium, Tik Tok

On The Road

We take a keen interest in what people are doing in business. We visit them and share some of the ways they work.

With: Guests, XTM

Language: English and Other Languages

For: Global Audience

Produced by XTM; © 2019.

Distribution: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Soundcloud, Medium

Something Loved

The tidbits of encouragement we get on our journey to add value to others.

With: Guests

Language: English and Other Languages

For: Global Audience

Distributed by XTM; © 2019.

Distribution: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Soundcloud, Medium

— || —

We hope this adds value to you if you are trying to figure out how to centralize your content online.

Love XTM; 2019.



Ducorp XTM
Editor for

Seed-Stage VC targeting the technology sector in emerging markets. We unearth disruptors in hard-to-reach places and channel their work, anywhere.